It's May and the boys are tending sheep. Ruth starts dairying, Alex gets involved with beekeeping and Peter learns how to make cricket bats.
Once the sheep give birth, they are sheered with an electric sheerer. This sped up the process for the Victorian farmer. In order to speed up the process, Peter and Alex bring out something that their land agent invented to help the farmers from hand cranking the sheers. The inexperienced sheers discover that their fleece is infected with maggots. Alex gets help with a bee swarm in order to start up bee keeping while Peter learns to carve a cricket bat. Peter and Alex take in a game of cricket where Peter has an embarrassing situation. Ruth starts operating the dairy in order to make cheese. You can use this episode of the series in the classroom when there is a sub in the room. Unless you want to use it as a supplement for a lecture in a history classroom. You can highlight, copy, and paste the questions into a Word, GoogleDoc or Google Classroom document for use in school or home school. Format it the way you want to. All questions after formatting should fit onto one page. You can find the link to the YouTube video here. Questions
Springtime on the Victorian Farm; lambs are being born as well as piglets. Ruth starts a chicken concern. Peter has an all night vigil with the pigs.
The boys bring out a sheepherders wagon in preparation for lambing season. It's something that the boys will use to sleep in while keeping watch over the flocks. Ruth starts cleaning out the cottage as part of spring cleaning. She uses a variety of Victorian methods to sweep up the dust and clean the cottage from top and bottom. Alex keeps an eye on the wheat and grows concerned that it's not doing well. He takes advice from other farmers and the Book of the Farm. He is determined that the crop will not fail. Ruth makes a new dress with the assistance of a historic costumer. She tries to get a grip with a Victorian sewing machine. You can use this episode of the series in the classroom when there is a sub in the room. Unless you want to use it as a supplement for a lecture in a history classroom. You can highlight, copy, and paste the questions into a Word, GoogleDoc or Google Classroom document for use in school or home school. Format it the way you want to. All questions after formatting should fit onto one page. You can find the link to the YouTube video here. Victorian Farm Episode 4 Questions
Victorian Farm Episode 4 Answers
Episode 3 explores trying to control the animals on the farm, keeping an eye on their pregnant animals, and exploring old Victorian crafts. The team is four months into their Victorian Farm Experience.
Princess, the pig, joins up with the farm and pigs cause trouble on the farm. Peter works to divide out the farm yard. The team turns to a blacksmith, woodsman, and a basket maker to do some repairs around the Victorian Farm as well as learn the secrets to Victorian Crafts. Ruth gets to grip with bathing in the Victorian Period as well as making Victorian home remedies, Alex fixes his boots with a Victorian Shoe polish recipe. You can use this episode of the series in the classroom when there is a sub in the room. Unless you want to use it as a supplement for a lecture in a history classroom. You can highlight, copy, and paste the questions into a Word, GoogleDoc or Google Classroom document for use in school or home school. Format it the way you want to. All questions after formatting should fit onto one page. You can find the link to the YouTube video here. Victorian Farm Episode 3 Questions:
Victorian Farm Episode 3 Questions:
Ruth, Peter, and Alex settled in to Farm Life while preparing for Christmas. Peter and Alex work on the pigsties, and Ruth prepares a Victorian Christmas Feast after spending four days in the laundry.
Alex and Peter as well as Alex's brother work on building and putting a roof on the pigsties. The weather turns cold and it's not the best time of year to build pigsties. It begins to snow on the farm. The team adds a ram on the farm and they create a rattle to help determine whether or not the ewes are pregnant. Ruth works in the laundry for three days in order to prepare for Christmas. She explains the laundry process during the Victorian Period, you used stain remover on what needed to be removed and not the whole garment. You can use this episode of the series in the classroom when there is a sub in the room. Unless you want to use it as a supplement for a lecture in a history classroom. You can highlight, copy, and paste the questions into a Word, GoogleDoc or Google Classroom document for use in school or home school. Format it the way you want to. All questions after formatting should fit onto one page. You can find the link to the YouTube video here. Victorian Farm Episode 2 Questions:
Victorian Farm Episode 2 Answers:
Ruth, Peter and Alex are now working on a Victorian Farm. The first step to their journey into the Victorian Period is to restore an abandoned cottage, harvest and thresh wheat, and plant a wheat crops: even if the weather is against them.
They take over a cottage that was abandoned in the 1950's and restore it. They use Victorian Techniques to bring it back to livable condition. A new range is installed and a bedroom is redone in this episode. The Estate where the Farm was on: If you're ever in England, you can rent the cottage Ruth, Peter and Alex stayed in on the Acton-Scott Estate. You can use this episode of the series in the classroom when there is a sub in the room. Unless you want to use it as a supplement for a lecture in a history classroom. You can highlight, copy, and paste the questions into a Word, GoogleDoc or Google Classroom document for use in school or home school. Format it the way you want to. All questions after formatting should fit onto one page. You can find the link to the YouTube video here. Victorian Farm Episode 1 Questions:
Victorian Farm Episode 1 Answers:
The team works on the Cherry and potato harvest and plans a trip to the seaside. Alex and Peter look for ladders for the cherry harvest and Ruth makes plans with what she can make with the cherries. The team celebrates the cherry harvest with a festival and lots of cherry pies. Then they take a trip to the seaside. Ruth makes a new period swimsuit and tries it out. At the seaside they are entertained by period performers. They also take a dip in the sea in period swimsuits. If you need a filler in the classroom, this is an excellent series for that use. You aren't limited to history with this series either you can use this in a family and consumer education or a home economics class to learn a recipes or crafts. You really see history come to life in this series and Ruth, Alex, and Peter are excellent narrators. For use in the classroom: just highlight, copy and paste into a word document or a google document for use in the classroom. You can easily format these questions to your specifications. You can find the link for the YouTube video here. This series is also available on Amazon Prime. Questions:
Episode 12 The series concludes with the Oat harvest and it's a challenge to predict the weather!
Alex and Peter look to predict the weather in order to determine when to bring the oat harvest. They have a weather vane made in the shape of one of their chickens. They also find a quick method to determine barometric pressure. Ruth works on the market gardens for one last time, putting seaweed fertilizer on them. If you need a filler in the classroom, this is an excellent series for that use. You aren't limited to history with this series either you can use this in a family and consumer education or a home economics class to learn a recipes or crafts. You really see history come to life in this series and Ruth, Alex, and Peter are excellent narrators. For use in the classroom: just highlight, copy and paste into a word document or a google document for use in the classroom. You can easily format these questions to your specifications. You can find the link for the YouTube video here. This series is also available on Amazon Prime. Questions:
Tourists come to the Tamar Valley, and the team comes up with ways to keep them fed and make money off them. Ruth learns how to make clotted cream and Peter paints pictures of the valley for the tourists. The strawberries are ready for picking and Alex is worried about an invasion of snails and slugs. The government sent out dairying school to teach the women how to work with milk. Peter putting together the paints and pigments was pretty interesting and I never knew that they came separate. The dairy school concept was interesting too. If you need a filler in the classroom, this is an excellent series for that use. You aren't limited to history with this series either you can use this in a family and consumer education or a home economics class to learn a recipes or crafts. You really see history come to life in this series and Ruth, Alex, and Peter are excellent narrators. For use in the classroom: just highlight, copy and paste into a word document or a google document for use in the classroom. You can easily format these questions to your specifications. You can find the link for the YouTube video here. This series is also available on Amazon Prime. Episode 9 Questions:
Episode 9 Answers:
Episode 10 The Boys are away sheering sheep while Ruth takes care of the potatoes. The team also gets a visitor from an old friend.
The sheep are taken to Dartmoor and they sheer sheep. Ruth takes care of the farm while the boys are on the moors. A visitor from their time on the Victorian Farm stops by and the team go out on a picnic with their visitor. If you need a filler in the classroom, this is an excellent series for that use. You aren't limited to history with this series either you can use this in a family and consumer education or a home economics class to learn a recipes or crafts. You really see history come to life in this series and Ruth, Alex, and Peter are excellent narrators. For use in the classroom: just highlight, copy and paste into a word document or a google document for use in the classroom. You can easily format these questions to your specifications. You can find the link for the YouTube video here. This series is also available on Amazon Prime. Episode 10 Questions:
Episode 10 Answers:
Springtime has come to the Farm and life is renewed. A visitor comes for Mothering Sunday. Spring is in full swing on the farm, and one of the first harvests is brought in: daffodils. Eve, Ruth's daughter comes and visit the farm in time for Mothering Sunday, it is a similar holiday to Mother's Day. She makes Ruth a cake for the celebration. In the Edwardian period, many daughters worked in service and it was the onetime of year where they could get the day off to spend with their families. Alex tries to expand his chicken concern by buying an incubator. The sheep are also ready to give birth and the boys learn how to handle lambing. The boys also purchase a new pony for the farm and hire an expert to tame it. The episode concludes with the celebration of Easter, and Ruth makes eggs to celebrate. If you need a filler in the classroom, this is an excellent series for that use. You aren't limited to history with this series either you can use this in a family and consumer education or a home economics class to learn a recipes or crafts. You really see history come to life in this series and Ruth, Alex, and Peter are excellent narrators. For use in the classroom: just highlight, copy and paste into a word document or a google document for use in the classroom. You can easily format these questions to your specifications. You can find the link for the YouTube video here. This series is also available on Amazon Prime. Episode 7 Questions:
Episode 7 Answers:
Episode 8 The team looks to the sea for their harvest. The Tamar Valley is a place where the farmers had one foot on the land and one foot on the sea.
The boys take a trawler out for it's first time sailing since it's restoration. Ruth picks seaweed and shrimp. She uses the seaweed for bread and makes little dishes with the shrimps to sell. Alex makes a curricle for the small pond on the farm. Peter has to try it out first because the baby fish escaped from the hatchery. He promptly sinks it but then gets the hang of it. If you need a filler in the classroom, this is an excellent series for that use. You aren't limited to history with this series either you can use this in a family and consumer education or a home economics class to learn a recipes or crafts. You really see history come to life in this series and Ruth, Alex, and Peter are excellent narrators. For use in the classroom: just highlight, copy and paste into a word document or a google document for use in the classroom. You can easily format these questions to your specifications. You can find the link for the YouTube video here. This series is also available on Amazon Prime. Episode 8 Questions:
Episode 8 Answers:
The Boys and Ruth explore more ways to bring in an income on the farm. It is January on the farm. The boys try mining while Ruth tries lace making. The boys try copper mining without much success, however try another method to extract copper by putting metal in copper infused water. That method works and the team makes some money from copper. Then they are taken to another mine in Cornwall where they use technology to live the lives of miners for the day. Tin mining was where the money was at. Ruth learns the craft of lace making (without much success) as well as how to make a Cornish pasty. The boys take the pasties down the mine, but do not leave the crusts behind for the little people who dwell in the mine. If you need a filler in the classroom, this is an excellent series for that use. You aren't limited to history with this series either you can use this in a family and consumer education or a home economics class to learn a recipes or crafts. You really see history come to life in this series and Ruth, Alex, and Peter are excellent narrators. For use in the classroom: just highlight, copy and paste into a word document or a google document for use in the classroom. You can easily format these questions to your specifications. You can find the link for the YouTube video here. This series is also available on Amazon Prime. Episode 5 Questions:
Episode 5 Answers:
Episode 6 Ruth writes a letter home to her mum exploring the day in a life of an Edwardian Farmer.
Ruth's day kicks off by getting dressed and cleaning the stone at a time. The boys take care of the fields and look on the animals. By mid morning Ruth gets breakfast on the table after that bathes for the first time after doing her cleaning. It is a fascinating episode and I really enjoyed looking at at the day in the the life of an Edwardian Farmer. It was an excellent summary of what the team did during the course of the day. If you need a filler in the classroom, this is an excellent series for that use. You aren't limited to history with this series either you can use this in a family and consumer education or a home economics class to learn a recipes or crafts. You really see history come to life in this series and Ruth, Alex, and Peter are excellent narrators. For use in the classroom: just highlight, copy and paste into a word document or a google document for use in the classroom. You can easily format these questions to your specifications. You can find the link for the YouTube video here. This series is also available on Amazon Prime. Episode 6 Questions:
Episode 6 Answers:
Episode 3 work continues on the farm as Peter, Ruth and Alex explore more possibilities to make money on the Edwardian Farm. It is November on the Edwardian Farm. The team plants their potato crop and use the latest in Edwardian technology in order to plant it. They also use the tractor to do some chores around the farm such as making feed for the animals. We also learn how the Tamar Valley was home to a hatchery. Peter explores that part of that part of the history of the Tamar Valley. Ruth works on cleaning and prepping the privy. The discussion on the fish hatchery would be appropriate in the agricultural science department, especially if the school offered a class on animal science. If you need a filler in the classroom, this is an excellent series for that use. You aren't limited to history with this series either you can use this in a family and consumer education or a home economics class to learn a recipes or crafts. You really see history come to life in this series and Ruth, Alex, and Peter are excellent narrators. For use in the classroom: just highlight, copy and paste into a word document or a google document for use in the classroom. You can easily format these questions to your specifications. You can find the link for the YouTube video here. This series is also available on Amazon Prime. Questions:
Episode 4 Episode 4: Ruth, Peter and Alex continue in their efforts to make money for the farm. Peter and Alex focus their efforts on the sea while Ruth cleans a historic house.
Christmas is coming to the farm and the boys are trying their hand at fishing for crabs. However the weather and waves keep them away. In the mean time the boys have a cow butchered. Ruth in the mean time is looking for extra income for the farm and cleans a historic house using Edwardian techniques and technology. She gets a new bike to help her out with transportation. While Ruth is away, the boys will play. At the end of the episode, they participate in an Edwardian Christmas church service and celebrate Christmas Edwardian farm style. This would be a good episode to show around Christmas time in the classroom. A work sheet wouldn't need to be required, unless you have a sub in the room. If you need a filler in the classroom, this is an excellent series for that use. You aren't limited to history with this series either you can use this in a family and consumer education or a home economics class to learn a recipes or crafts. You really see history come to life in this series and Ruth, Alex, and Peter are excellent narrators. For use in the classroom: just highlight, copy and paste into a word document or a google document for use in the classroom. You can easily format these questions to your specifications. You can find the link for the YouTube video here. This series is also available on Amazon Prime. Episode 4 Questions:
Episode 4 Answers:
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