Mystery of the Thames-side Villa - YouTube (46:11)
Time Team investigates a possible Roman villa on a site. Roman remains were being dug up by farmers over the years and in the 1960s a Ph.D. student did some digging to find out why Roman remains were there. He found a mosaic and bits and bobs of pottery. Time Team investigates the site, however as they dig the mystery deepens. Is it a Roman Villa? Was there a building at the site? Why were farmers digging up Roman finds in this field? *Highly recommended for a history and science classroom. This Roman site is a mystery and the Time Team is putting the scientific method into practice.*
An Incredible Discovery in Turkdean - YouTube (50:42)
Time Team is called to explore the origins of some lines in the ground in a farm field. The farmer and amateur archeologists seem to hint that it is a site of a Roman villa. Who built it? Why did they build it? The team tackles this assignment by land and by air. The team digs in and discovers that the site is home to the biggest Roman villa discovered in England. *Highly recommended for a history classroom in both middle school and high school. Highly recommended for independent study students.*
Return to Turkdean - YouTube (50:30)
The Time Team is back at Turkdean. When they originally visited Turkdean, they found a range of buildings. However, geophysics threw everyone for a loop and found more buildings on the site. Eighteen months later, the Time Team is back to excavate this new site on Turkdean. The ground showed a network of rooms that were strung together. Trench after trench got bigger and bigger during the original dig. What will the Time Team find out about the new site? *Highly recommended for a history classroom in both middle school and high school. Highly recommended for independent study students.*
Mystery of the Ice Cream Villa - YouTube (47:22)
Ice cream scientists and amateur archeologists have been excavating a field for a few years. What they have found are remains of a Roman villa or is it? Time Team goes and investigates the site. As they dig, they struggle to comprehend the site. Are they excavating a Roman villa? Why they cannot find the walls? Why are the geophysics results so confusing? Find out in this episode “The Mystery of the Ice Cream Villa.” *Recommended for middle school and high school history and science classrooms.*
Trouble with the Temples: YouTube (47:11)
Time Team has had trouble with finding Roman temples in Britain. Tony Robinson shows a photo that indicates that there is a Roman temple in the field. The photo is so clear, that it is clear that there is a temple in the field. We will see. The aerial photo shows the temple’s footprints. However, the temple may have been damaged due to plowing. Will Time Team find a temple? Or is the temple something else? *Recommended for research purposes.*
The Boat on the Rhine - YouTube (47:37)
Tony Robinson kicks off our episode climbing a reconstruction of a Roman Tower. At the time, the Netherlands was the main supply route to Britain. This outpost sent food, soldiers, and supplies to Britain. In Utrecht, archeologists have been making discoveries. These digs are revealing what it took to keep the Empire going in Britain. One of those discoveries included a book. What else will the Time Team find in three days? *Highly recommended for a history classroom in both middle school and high school. Highly recommended for independent study students.*
Rooting for Romans - YouTube (47:39)
Time Team is back looking for Roman ruins. They are in the woods in Cambridgeshire. The forest may seem to be the enemy of the archeologists. However, with a lidar-generated scan, Tony was able to show a picture of something in the ground in the woods. Is it a Roman Villa? Or is it a Roman Ironworks? The trees will be a problem for geophysics. A second problem is that they are digging in a national preserve. Time Team will be risking bug bites to dig the site. What will they find in three days? Tune into this episode to find out. *Highly recommended for a history classroom in both middle school and high school. Highly recommended for independent study students.*
On the Edge of an Empire - YouTube (49:45)
In this classic Time Team, the edge of the Roman Empire is explored in Ribchester. How did the Romans protect their edge of the Empire? A resident wrote and invited the Time Team to explore the Roman Remains. He has some Roman Remains in the garden. His house was built from those Roman fort remains. How do they relate to the Roman defense? How will the Time Team unravel the mystery of the Roman Remains? *Highly recommended for a history class.*
A Port and Stilton - YouTube (47:40)
The Time Team is looking at a ditch and this ditch has produced some excellent Roman finds. There has been some perfect pottery finds found on the site. A nearly perfectly preserved cheese press was found. Cheese has an important place in Stilton’s history. Field walkers have found various shards of poetry over the years. What will the Time Team find out in the three days about Stilton and Cheese? Tune into this episode to find out. *Recommended for an earth science, geology and history class.*
The Lost Villa - YouTube (46:47)
Why is there a pagan figure buried in a church? Time Team is on the case! They are in the heart of the Wiltshire countryside and the Time Team is here to solve a riddle. There were no known Roman Rules in the area, except for this figure in a church. Victor Ambrus sketches it while Tony reads an explanation for the statue. Why is this statue on the wall? Was this the site of an earlier pagan settlement? You do not want to miss this episode of the Time Team. *Highly recommended for a history class.*
Early Bath - YouTube (47:55)
Back in the 1960s some local archeologists dug some trenches and discovered a series of walls, pot, and Roman coins. Ffrith was the center of Roman occupation in Wales and for decades Roman finds have been discovered. Did these archeologists find a Roman Bathhouse? The Locals want the Time Team to dig the site again to see what is. Is it a Roman bath? Why is it there? Time Team has three days to find out. *Highly recommended for a history class.*
The Archbishop's Back Garden - YouTube (47:02)
The Time Team is exploring the remains of the first Roman Rome in London. An amateur archeologist may have found it first so can the Time Team find it again? Roman Rome would have gone straight to the Thames Riverbank, however, there is a kink in the road. So why is there a kink? The Time Team will kick off their excavation at Lambeth Palace, the home to the Archbishops of Canterbury. Was this where the Roman Road crossed? *Highly recommended for a history class.*
There's A Villa Here Somewhere - YouTube (47:41)
The people of Litlington believe that their villages hide one of the best-kept Roman secrets in Britain. A vicar put in a trench and decided that there was a huge villa in the town. Another dig discovered a cemetery. However, the records of the dig have been lost. So the Time Team will spend three days putting Roman Litlington on the map. Will Time Team find the villa that was found over a hundred years ago? What will the Time Team discover about Roman Litlington? *Highly recommended for a history fun day.*
Oxfordshire Villa Episode 1 (32:05) Episode 2 (31:57) Episode 3 (34:25)
For dig number two the new Time Team finds themselves in Oxfordshire and the Broughton Castle Estate. The Time Team is going to excavate a Roman villa that may be the size of Buckingham Palace. In the 1960s, a Romano-British Lady was found buried in a lead line coffin on the site. Was this turnip field the site of a huge Roman villa? What will the Time Team find out about the sit? What will this villa tell us about Roman Britain? *Recommended for research purposes.*
A Death in the Crescent - YouTube (48:42)
Today, Time Team is excavating Roman Bath and this is a rare opportunity for the Time Team. There are strange scorch marks on the ground as well as evidence of a Roman sarcophagus. The Romans were attracted to the springs and built a city. Bath is one of the best-documented cities. The Royal Bath archeological society invited Time Team to dig on the site. What will the Time Team discover about Roman Bath? *Recommended for both a history and English class.*
Treasures of the Roman Field - YouTube (49:55)
Hundreds of Roman finds have turned up in a large field. Broaches, pottery, coins, and a key were found on the site. A local farmer wants to know if there was a building on the site. A Roman key was found on the site, so where was the building that goes with the key. Additionally, were some rectangular marks on the ground. What were the marks on the ground? Why were all these finds found in the area? *Recommended for a history fun day.*
Street of the Dead - YouTube (47:17)
Tony Robinson introduces the episode by holding a Roman Brick. This brick has names scratched on it and this brick could be the names of the soldiers that were stationed at Fort Vinovia. Today, Vinovia is Binchester. The Time Team will be excavating the Roman Vicus, the settlement that supported the fort. It is the first time the Time Team is excavating a Vicus. What will the Time Team find? What can the finds tell us about Roman fort life? *Recommended for research purposes and a history fun day.*
Under the Gravestones - YouTube (47:57)
St. Kyneburgha Church is one of the most beautiful churches in England. What lies in the graveyard has archeologists salivating. There may be the remains of Roman structures. What is this building? Over the years, gravediggers have made many discoveries. The Time Team is going to dig a part of the graveyard where there are no bodies. Is there a building on this site? Will Tony manage to find his way down off the roof? *Recommended for research purposes and a history fun day.*
The Romans Recycle - YouTube (46:59)
Over the years metal detectorists have discovered a variety of metal artifacts from the Roman, Iron Age, and Saxon periods in a field that is between two villages. The finds are in Lincolnshire and the locals believe there was a posh building in the area. Lincoln was a great center for Roman Britain, however, there are no records of Wickenby being a center of Roman occupation. So why are there so many finds? The Time Team has three days to find out. *Recommended for a history class and independent study students.*
The Taxman's Tavern - YouTube (47:30)
This time the Time Team is heading on over to Alfodean, Sussex to uncover a mansion that was a Roman coaching inn. It was located on Stane Street and this area was the first part of Britain to be Romanized. The site is over one kilometer long and has 300 years of Roman occupation. There This mansion was the center of a large community and is a rare opportunity to shed light on Roman life in Britain. Nobody really knows how this mansion fits into Roman life. The Time Team will have their work cut out for them as they look at a large area. Will they learn anything in Three Days? *Highly recommended for a history class and independent study students.*
Villas Out of Molehills - YouTube (48:14)
Moles are bringing up pieces of mosaic floor in a Cotswold Field. The Time Team travels to the Cotswold, to explore whether or not these tiles are linked to a nearby villa that was discovered almost 200 years ago. Nobody was able to date the villa at the time of the original dig. A nearby spring may give a clue to the purpose of the building. Could this villa be a bathhouse? Or could it be a sacred site? The Time Team is on the case to find out. *Highly recommended for a history class and independent study students.*
No Stone Unturned - YouTube (47:14)
This time the Time Team arrives at a field in Cheshire where metal detectorists have made some fascinating finds. The finds may hint that the field may have been home to an active Roman settlement. However as the Time Team digs, they are not having any luck in making discoveries. What were these metal detectorists discovering in the field? What will the Time Team find on this dig? Or will this be the first dig where the Time Team finds nothing? What will happen in three days is anyone’s guess. *Recommended to be shown on April Fool's Day.*
Going Upmarket with the Romans - YouTube (48:36)
In a field in Gloucestershire, there has been a discovery of Roman broaches, monastic tiles, and coins. These finds hint at a villa nearby; however, a villa has not been found. Why are there so many finds discovered at this site? Boxes and boxes of Iron and Roman-age items were found. The finds were found in a field near Standish. So what will the Time Team learn about these finds in three days? *Highly recommended for a history class and independent study students.*
No Place Like Rome - YouTube (46:28)
A small Roman villa was discovered coming from just after the start of the Roman invasion of Great Britain. The locals would resent the invasion and it would take decades for full Romanization of the locals. This villa would hint otherwise. Previous excavations on the site hinted that it was inhabited by the locals and not by Roman invaders. Could this be the site of an Iron Age settlement? Can the Time Team sort out the history of this site? The Time Team is joined by John Creighton, Tom Moore, and Claire Ryley. *HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for a history fun day!*
Roman Villa - YouTube (50:52)
In 1907, a local Colonel discovered part of a mosaic. He concluded that this was part of a Roman Villa from 300 AD. Since then, the site has been occupied by an army barracks that protected the remains. The Time Team has been invited to test out the colonel’s theory. It is the one chance good archelogy can be done on this site before it is put to reuse. Did the colonel really find a mosaic at this site? *Put on your maybe list of documentaries to show to a history class.*
Roman's Panic - YouTube (49:05)
The Time Team is investigating Ancaster, in Lincolnshire. This village lies on a major Roman road called Armine Street. It had been built by the Roman forces when they invaded Britain. However the only Roman remains that are visible are some massive earth banks and ditches. The locals had been making finds over the years. This settlement has largely been ignored by archaeologists, until the Time Team has come in. What will they find about the site? Why was it suddenly abandoned? Will the rain stop? *HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for a history class.*
An Ermine Street Pub - YouTube (48:59)
The Time Team is looking for a Roman Road called Ermine Street. However, the problem is that no sign of the road exists above ground. However, there has been a wealth of Roman Finds that were discovered in this field. The British Museum wanted to keep it quiet because it could be an important Roman site. A horde of Roman coins were discovered on the site. What will the Time Team find in three days? *Recommended for a history class.*
Roman Sarcophagus - Episode 1 (17:21) Episode 2 (18:23)
The Time Team has returned to the Broughton Villa in Oxfordshire. In a previous dig they had discovered a stone sarcophagus, but had left some unfinished business. The Expedition Crew was sent back to the site to get some more answers about this mysterious sarcophagus. They will be carefully examining the sarcophagus and the ground in which was buried. Who would have been buried here? Why would they have been buried her? *Recommended for a history and science class.*
Bridge Over the River Tees - YouTube (47:53)
Tony Robinson and the Time Team are heading to the river. It is here that local divers discovered more than 2,000 Roman finds. The River Tees was home to an impressive Roman fort, one of the most impressive forts discovered in Britain. The Time Team will get their feet wet as they cast their net far and wide. They are going to investigate buildings, roads, and structures around this crossing on the Piercebridge. The Time Team has three days to get to the bottom of the riddle of the Bridge on the River Tees. *Recommended for a history class.*
Potted History - YouTube (47:50)
It is a field that is unassuming to the naked eye. So what really lies beneath the wheat fields? The Time Team heads on to Wiltshire. They are embarking on one of their more ambitious digs. The Time Team is going to investigate an entire Roman town, that had been lost for years. The town was hidden under fields of wheat and it was called Cunetio. It was once a bustling market town in Roman Britain. So what is the history of the town? Has the Time Team bitten off more than it can chew with this dig? *Recommended for a history class.*
Papcastle, Cumbria - YouTube (50:34)
The Time Team head to Papcastle in Cumbria. It is a small village outside of Cockermouth. There they will excavate a site that may hold a Roman fort. However, the fort has not been fully excavated. The site was in a back garden of a house. A family was doing an expansion on the house when they made the finds. The family, being fans of the show called the Time Team to help dig up their back garden. What on earth were the Romans doing in the family garden? *Recommended for a history class.*
Time Team investigates a possible Roman villa on a site. Roman remains were being dug up by farmers over the years and in the 1960s a Ph.D. student did some digging to find out why Roman remains were there. He found a mosaic and bits and bobs of pottery. Time Team investigates the site, however as they dig the mystery deepens. Is it a Roman Villa? Was there a building at the site? Why were farmers digging up Roman finds in this field? *Highly recommended for a history and science classroom. This Roman site is a mystery and the Time Team is putting the scientific method into practice.*
An Incredible Discovery in Turkdean - YouTube (50:42)
Time Team is called to explore the origins of some lines in the ground in a farm field. The farmer and amateur archeologists seem to hint that it is a site of a Roman villa. Who built it? Why did they build it? The team tackles this assignment by land and by air. The team digs in and discovers that the site is home to the biggest Roman villa discovered in England. *Highly recommended for a history classroom in both middle school and high school. Highly recommended for independent study students.*
Return to Turkdean - YouTube (50:30)
The Time Team is back at Turkdean. When they originally visited Turkdean, they found a range of buildings. However, geophysics threw everyone for a loop and found more buildings on the site. Eighteen months later, the Time Team is back to excavate this new site on Turkdean. The ground showed a network of rooms that were strung together. Trench after trench got bigger and bigger during the original dig. What will the Time Team find out about the new site? *Highly recommended for a history classroom in both middle school and high school. Highly recommended for independent study students.*
Mystery of the Ice Cream Villa - YouTube (47:22)
Ice cream scientists and amateur archeologists have been excavating a field for a few years. What they have found are remains of a Roman villa or is it? Time Team goes and investigates the site. As they dig, they struggle to comprehend the site. Are they excavating a Roman villa? Why they cannot find the walls? Why are the geophysics results so confusing? Find out in this episode “The Mystery of the Ice Cream Villa.” *Recommended for middle school and high school history and science classrooms.*
Trouble with the Temples: YouTube (47:11)
Time Team has had trouble with finding Roman temples in Britain. Tony Robinson shows a photo that indicates that there is a Roman temple in the field. The photo is so clear, that it is clear that there is a temple in the field. We will see. The aerial photo shows the temple’s footprints. However, the temple may have been damaged due to plowing. Will Time Team find a temple? Or is the temple something else? *Recommended for research purposes.*
The Boat on the Rhine - YouTube (47:37)
Tony Robinson kicks off our episode climbing a reconstruction of a Roman Tower. At the time, the Netherlands was the main supply route to Britain. This outpost sent food, soldiers, and supplies to Britain. In Utrecht, archeologists have been making discoveries. These digs are revealing what it took to keep the Empire going in Britain. One of those discoveries included a book. What else will the Time Team find in three days? *Highly recommended for a history classroom in both middle school and high school. Highly recommended for independent study students.*
Rooting for Romans - YouTube (47:39)
Time Team is back looking for Roman ruins. They are in the woods in Cambridgeshire. The forest may seem to be the enemy of the archeologists. However, with a lidar-generated scan, Tony was able to show a picture of something in the ground in the woods. Is it a Roman Villa? Or is it a Roman Ironworks? The trees will be a problem for geophysics. A second problem is that they are digging in a national preserve. Time Team will be risking bug bites to dig the site. What will they find in three days? Tune into this episode to find out. *Highly recommended for a history classroom in both middle school and high school. Highly recommended for independent study students.*
On the Edge of an Empire - YouTube (49:45)
In this classic Time Team, the edge of the Roman Empire is explored in Ribchester. How did the Romans protect their edge of the Empire? A resident wrote and invited the Time Team to explore the Roman Remains. He has some Roman Remains in the garden. His house was built from those Roman fort remains. How do they relate to the Roman defense? How will the Time Team unravel the mystery of the Roman Remains? *Highly recommended for a history class.*
A Port and Stilton - YouTube (47:40)
The Time Team is looking at a ditch and this ditch has produced some excellent Roman finds. There has been some perfect pottery finds found on the site. A nearly perfectly preserved cheese press was found. Cheese has an important place in Stilton’s history. Field walkers have found various shards of poetry over the years. What will the Time Team find out in the three days about Stilton and Cheese? Tune into this episode to find out. *Recommended for an earth science, geology and history class.*
The Lost Villa - YouTube (46:47)
Why is there a pagan figure buried in a church? Time Team is on the case! They are in the heart of the Wiltshire countryside and the Time Team is here to solve a riddle. There were no known Roman Rules in the area, except for this figure in a church. Victor Ambrus sketches it while Tony reads an explanation for the statue. Why is this statue on the wall? Was this the site of an earlier pagan settlement? You do not want to miss this episode of the Time Team. *Highly recommended for a history class.*
Early Bath - YouTube (47:55)
Back in the 1960s some local archeologists dug some trenches and discovered a series of walls, pot, and Roman coins. Ffrith was the center of Roman occupation in Wales and for decades Roman finds have been discovered. Did these archeologists find a Roman Bathhouse? The Locals want the Time Team to dig the site again to see what is. Is it a Roman bath? Why is it there? Time Team has three days to find out. *Highly recommended for a history class.*
The Archbishop's Back Garden - YouTube (47:02)
The Time Team is exploring the remains of the first Roman Rome in London. An amateur archeologist may have found it first so can the Time Team find it again? Roman Rome would have gone straight to the Thames Riverbank, however, there is a kink in the road. So why is there a kink? The Time Team will kick off their excavation at Lambeth Palace, the home to the Archbishops of Canterbury. Was this where the Roman Road crossed? *Highly recommended for a history class.*
There's A Villa Here Somewhere - YouTube (47:41)
The people of Litlington believe that their villages hide one of the best-kept Roman secrets in Britain. A vicar put in a trench and decided that there was a huge villa in the town. Another dig discovered a cemetery. However, the records of the dig have been lost. So the Time Team will spend three days putting Roman Litlington on the map. Will Time Team find the villa that was found over a hundred years ago? What will the Time Team discover about Roman Litlington? *Highly recommended for a history fun day.*
Oxfordshire Villa Episode 1 (32:05) Episode 2 (31:57) Episode 3 (34:25)
For dig number two the new Time Team finds themselves in Oxfordshire and the Broughton Castle Estate. The Time Team is going to excavate a Roman villa that may be the size of Buckingham Palace. In the 1960s, a Romano-British Lady was found buried in a lead line coffin on the site. Was this turnip field the site of a huge Roman villa? What will the Time Team find out about the sit? What will this villa tell us about Roman Britain? *Recommended for research purposes.*
A Death in the Crescent - YouTube (48:42)
Today, Time Team is excavating Roman Bath and this is a rare opportunity for the Time Team. There are strange scorch marks on the ground as well as evidence of a Roman sarcophagus. The Romans were attracted to the springs and built a city. Bath is one of the best-documented cities. The Royal Bath archeological society invited Time Team to dig on the site. What will the Time Team discover about Roman Bath? *Recommended for both a history and English class.*
Treasures of the Roman Field - YouTube (49:55)
Hundreds of Roman finds have turned up in a large field. Broaches, pottery, coins, and a key were found on the site. A local farmer wants to know if there was a building on the site. A Roman key was found on the site, so where was the building that goes with the key. Additionally, were some rectangular marks on the ground. What were the marks on the ground? Why were all these finds found in the area? *Recommended for a history fun day.*
Street of the Dead - YouTube (47:17)
Tony Robinson introduces the episode by holding a Roman Brick. This brick has names scratched on it and this brick could be the names of the soldiers that were stationed at Fort Vinovia. Today, Vinovia is Binchester. The Time Team will be excavating the Roman Vicus, the settlement that supported the fort. It is the first time the Time Team is excavating a Vicus. What will the Time Team find? What can the finds tell us about Roman fort life? *Recommended for research purposes and a history fun day.*
Under the Gravestones - YouTube (47:57)
St. Kyneburgha Church is one of the most beautiful churches in England. What lies in the graveyard has archeologists salivating. There may be the remains of Roman structures. What is this building? Over the years, gravediggers have made many discoveries. The Time Team is going to dig a part of the graveyard where there are no bodies. Is there a building on this site? Will Tony manage to find his way down off the roof? *Recommended for research purposes and a history fun day.*
The Romans Recycle - YouTube (46:59)
Over the years metal detectorists have discovered a variety of metal artifacts from the Roman, Iron Age, and Saxon periods in a field that is between two villages. The finds are in Lincolnshire and the locals believe there was a posh building in the area. Lincoln was a great center for Roman Britain, however, there are no records of Wickenby being a center of Roman occupation. So why are there so many finds? The Time Team has three days to find out. *Recommended for a history class and independent study students.*
The Taxman's Tavern - YouTube (47:30)
This time the Time Team is heading on over to Alfodean, Sussex to uncover a mansion that was a Roman coaching inn. It was located on Stane Street and this area was the first part of Britain to be Romanized. The site is over one kilometer long and has 300 years of Roman occupation. There This mansion was the center of a large community and is a rare opportunity to shed light on Roman life in Britain. Nobody really knows how this mansion fits into Roman life. The Time Team will have their work cut out for them as they look at a large area. Will they learn anything in Three Days? *Highly recommended for a history class and independent study students.*
Villas Out of Molehills - YouTube (48:14)
Moles are bringing up pieces of mosaic floor in a Cotswold Field. The Time Team travels to the Cotswold, to explore whether or not these tiles are linked to a nearby villa that was discovered almost 200 years ago. Nobody was able to date the villa at the time of the original dig. A nearby spring may give a clue to the purpose of the building. Could this villa be a bathhouse? Or could it be a sacred site? The Time Team is on the case to find out. *Highly recommended for a history class and independent study students.*
No Stone Unturned - YouTube (47:14)
This time the Time Team arrives at a field in Cheshire where metal detectorists have made some fascinating finds. The finds may hint that the field may have been home to an active Roman settlement. However as the Time Team digs, they are not having any luck in making discoveries. What were these metal detectorists discovering in the field? What will the Time Team find on this dig? Or will this be the first dig where the Time Team finds nothing? What will happen in three days is anyone’s guess. *Recommended to be shown on April Fool's Day.*
Going Upmarket with the Romans - YouTube (48:36)
In a field in Gloucestershire, there has been a discovery of Roman broaches, monastic tiles, and coins. These finds hint at a villa nearby; however, a villa has not been found. Why are there so many finds discovered at this site? Boxes and boxes of Iron and Roman-age items were found. The finds were found in a field near Standish. So what will the Time Team learn about these finds in three days? *Highly recommended for a history class and independent study students.*
No Place Like Rome - YouTube (46:28)
A small Roman villa was discovered coming from just after the start of the Roman invasion of Great Britain. The locals would resent the invasion and it would take decades for full Romanization of the locals. This villa would hint otherwise. Previous excavations on the site hinted that it was inhabited by the locals and not by Roman invaders. Could this be the site of an Iron Age settlement? Can the Time Team sort out the history of this site? The Time Team is joined by John Creighton, Tom Moore, and Claire Ryley. *HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for a history fun day!*
Roman Villa - YouTube (50:52)
In 1907, a local Colonel discovered part of a mosaic. He concluded that this was part of a Roman Villa from 300 AD. Since then, the site has been occupied by an army barracks that protected the remains. The Time Team has been invited to test out the colonel’s theory. It is the one chance good archelogy can be done on this site before it is put to reuse. Did the colonel really find a mosaic at this site? *Put on your maybe list of documentaries to show to a history class.*
Roman's Panic - YouTube (49:05)
The Time Team is investigating Ancaster, in Lincolnshire. This village lies on a major Roman road called Armine Street. It had been built by the Roman forces when they invaded Britain. However the only Roman remains that are visible are some massive earth banks and ditches. The locals had been making finds over the years. This settlement has largely been ignored by archaeologists, until the Time Team has come in. What will they find about the site? Why was it suddenly abandoned? Will the rain stop? *HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for a history class.*
An Ermine Street Pub - YouTube (48:59)
The Time Team is looking for a Roman Road called Ermine Street. However, the problem is that no sign of the road exists above ground. However, there has been a wealth of Roman Finds that were discovered in this field. The British Museum wanted to keep it quiet because it could be an important Roman site. A horde of Roman coins were discovered on the site. What will the Time Team find in three days? *Recommended for a history class.*
Roman Sarcophagus - Episode 1 (17:21) Episode 2 (18:23)
The Time Team has returned to the Broughton Villa in Oxfordshire. In a previous dig they had discovered a stone sarcophagus, but had left some unfinished business. The Expedition Crew was sent back to the site to get some more answers about this mysterious sarcophagus. They will be carefully examining the sarcophagus and the ground in which was buried. Who would have been buried here? Why would they have been buried her? *Recommended for a history and science class.*
Bridge Over the River Tees - YouTube (47:53)
Tony Robinson and the Time Team are heading to the river. It is here that local divers discovered more than 2,000 Roman finds. The River Tees was home to an impressive Roman fort, one of the most impressive forts discovered in Britain. The Time Team will get their feet wet as they cast their net far and wide. They are going to investigate buildings, roads, and structures around this crossing on the Piercebridge. The Time Team has three days to get to the bottom of the riddle of the Bridge on the River Tees. *Recommended for a history class.*
Potted History - YouTube (47:50)
It is a field that is unassuming to the naked eye. So what really lies beneath the wheat fields? The Time Team heads on to Wiltshire. They are embarking on one of their more ambitious digs. The Time Team is going to investigate an entire Roman town, that had been lost for years. The town was hidden under fields of wheat and it was called Cunetio. It was once a bustling market town in Roman Britain. So what is the history of the town? Has the Time Team bitten off more than it can chew with this dig? *Recommended for a history class.*
Papcastle, Cumbria - YouTube (50:34)
The Time Team head to Papcastle in Cumbria. It is a small village outside of Cockermouth. There they will excavate a site that may hold a Roman fort. However, the fort has not been fully excavated. The site was in a back garden of a house. A family was doing an expansion on the house when they made the finds. The family, being fans of the show called the Time Team to help dig up their back garden. What on earth were the Romans doing in the family garden? *Recommended for a history class.*
Updated on October 5, 2024