Hello and welcome! This section contains a summary of what I've watched and where to find it on YouTube or Amazon. Some documentaries may be available on Netflix too. Everything is divided out into sections with bold headings to make things easier to find. Both American and World History documentaries are featured on this list. If there is 15+ documentaries on a single topic or time period or by a single historian, they may be pulled out and given it's own page that way readers do not have to do too much scrolling. You can find extra topics in the drop down menu under the YouTube. These videos are in no particular order. * means that there is a worksheet for the documentary. ** means they have my recommendation and what purpose.
Dark and Middle Ages
Secrets of Magna Carta - Episode 1 (50:21) Episode 2 (50:07)
The Magna Carta was a legendary document that changed the course of history. It is known as the Great Charter and was an agreement between two warring parties. It was a document that highlighted what freedoms the ordinary man had. It legitimized property rights. This document dates back to the time of Robin Hood and is a highly valued document. It is sometimes called the most important document in world history. This series covers the history of the Magna Carta. *Recommended for research purposes.*
Mongols - YouTube (49:45)
Genghis Khan united the Mongol tribes and led the people on a path of conquest. This conquest spanned a century. Genghis Khan goes down in history as a monster who killed millions. However, what is his true legacy? He was strategic and utilized psychological warfare and battlefield tactics to help the Mongols conquer much of Asia. The Mongols would eventually make their way to Europe and the Hordes would terrorize Europe. So who was the real Genghis Khan? *Recommended for research purposes but a sub should skip this class.*
How the Silk Road Made the World - Episode 1 (52:14) Episode 2 (52:14) Episode 3 (52:14)
For thousands of years, people traveled the trade route known as the Silk Road. The distance is as daunting now as it was in the past. It was a profitable trade route. The Silk Road helped make and break empires. Goods were exchanged. Technology flowed across the road. Ideas traveled along the Silk Road. Conquering armies would use the road to conquer and explore. It brought the East and West together. It was a source of conflict. So how did the Silk Road make the world? *Recommended for research purposes.*
Empire of the Mongols - YouTube (48:12)
Mongols had built a large empire that claimed half the world in under a century. This empire spanned from the Korean Peninsula to Europe. It began with 100,000 men. The Mongol invasion of Europe began with the fall of Kyiv and struck panic into the people. How could such a small group of men bring Europe to its knees? What technology was available at the time to enable such an expansion? Who was the leader of the Mongols? This documentary looks at the rise of the Mongol Empire. *Recommended for a history class.*
The Emperor's Lost Harbor - YouTube (41:48)
Istanbul is a city of 17 million people, spread over two peninsulas. Only two bridges and several ferries serve those 17 million people who cross the Bosporus straight. The Turkish Government is looking to build a train under the Bosporus to help with people crossing the straights. The tunnel will have to be put fifty meters under the surface. This would be the deepest tunnel in the world. However, as the tunnel was put into place there have been amazing finds that tell us about the history of the harbor in Istanbul. *Highly recommended for a middle school and high school history classroom.*
536 AD: The Year The Sun Disappeared Episode 1 (49:15) Episode 2 (49:28)
The year 536 AD was the year dubbed the “year without something.” This was an event that terrified the people. The sun went dark and the rain the color of blood poured from the skies. Winter gripped the land for two years. Drought, famine, and plague followed. Whole cities were whipped out and civilization crumbled. What happened? What was going on? This catastrophe affected the people around the world and nobody knew the answers until now. *Highly recommended for a history and a science class.*
Dark Ages: An Age of Light - Episode 1 (59:11) Episode 2 (59:29) Episode 3 (59:14) Episode 4 (59:53)
Was the Dark Ages an Age of Light? What happened when the Roman Empire collapsed? This shocking question is one that historian Waldemar Januszczak will answer. He travels around Europe, Africa, and Asia to discover the hidden secrets of the Dark Ages. Waldemar makes the argument that the Dark Ages were an age of light and artistry. The art never lies, the Dark Ages were not an age of darkness but an age of light. *First episode recommended for art history class and not recommended for a history class.*
She Wolves: England's Early Queens - Helen Castor - Episode 1 (58:34) Episode 2 (59:02) Episode 3 (1:12:42)
Helen Castor tells the stories of England's early Queens. The first episode covers two women: Matilda and Eleanor. Matilda was supposed to be England's first Queen. Then she covers Isabella of France and Margaret of Anjou. Both of these women went to war to keep their families on the English Throne. Then she concludes the series with Jane Grey, Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth I. *Recommend for using clips in a history classroom and for independent study students.*
Medieval Lives - A Good Birth, Marriage, Death - VIDEO NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Helen Castor uses the Paxton family story to explore how the medieval period dealt with birth, marriage, and death. She starts off the series with Margaret Paxton preparing to give birth. Castor discusses how religion was tied into birth, marriage, and death. She then traces the Paxton’s marriage and finally concludes with death. It is a fascinating look at Medieval lives. *Highly recommend for middle school and high school classrooms as well as for independent study students or clips.*
*Search for Alfred the Great: VIDEO NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Neil Oliver explores the search for the grave of King Alfred the Great, the only British King who had the title "The Great." Oliver tells the story of what happened to the bones as well as the story of Alfred the Great. Scientists have been exploring a set of bones to determine whether or not they belong to Alfred the Great. It is an excellent look at the life of Alfred the Great. *Highly recommend for a middle school and high school history class.*
The Vikings - Episode 1 (44:49) Episode 2 (43:51) Episode 3 (44:05)
Norway was the early cradle of the Vikings, the last barbarians. How did they dominate the seas and waterways of Europe? These warriors traveled around the globe. They created trade networks and built kingdoms. However, their origins are mysterious. Modern archeologists are determined to find the origins. So what made them feared warriors? What made them skilled storytellers? What made the Vikings kingdom builders? Who were the Vikings? *Highly recommend for a middle school and high school history class.*
The Last Journey of the Vikings - Episode 1 (49:55) Episode 2 (49:32) Episode 3 (49:52) Episode 4 (49:58)
The Last Journey of the Vikings is a docudrama series about the Viking People. They traveled widely and shaped European politics. What is the truth about the Vikings? In the Eighth Century, the Vikings started appearing along the coasts of Europe. With their fierce warriors, they gained a reputation as Europe’s terrorizers. They targeted monasteries because the monks could not defend themselves. Eventually, the Vikings’ strategy changed. They mixed with the powerful. So why did the Vikings become pirates? How did they spread their influence over Europe? Tune into this documentary to find out. *Highly recommended for a middle school and high school classroom. Highly recommended to mine for clips.*
Ascent of Civilization - The Vikings - YouTube (50:31)
The Vikings discovered America 500 years before Columbus and revolutionized exploring and trading. The Vikings lived in the north of Europe in widely scattered communities. The Romans called it Scandinavia. It was a land of fire and ice. In the beginning, the Vikings lived peacefully along the coastlines. That changed when they started to terrorize Europe. No man, woman, or child was safe from Viking raids. So how did this group of seafarers change Europe? *HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for a high school history class.*
Warriors Way - Vikings - YouTube (48:37)
The most famous Viking attack in Europe took place at Lindisfarne Monastery. This attack would give the Vikings their brutal reputation and everyone in Europe feared them. They raided and traded throughout Europe. What made them such ruthless warriors? This reputation was made possible by lightning-fast longships and the weapons they had. So what made them go out raiding? Why did they go out and raid? *Recommended for research purposes, skip showing to a history class.*
Varangian Guard - YouTube (49:30)
The Varangian Guard was an elite group of Viking soldiers. They were renowned for their brutality and loyalty. This group struck fear throughout Europe. They had their choice of weapons: ax, spear, or sword. The Byzantine Emperor looked at them and decided to hire a guard for protection. The emperor ruled the biggest and richest state and he looked for someone to help keep him in power. *Recommended for older history students and for research purposes.*
William the Conqueror - YouTube (51:39)
This is the story of William the Conqueror. He made his mark in history by invading England in 1066. Who was the real William the Conqueror? The primary source records are scarce when it comes to William's history. When was William the Conqueror born? What were his motivations for invading England? He goes down in history as a brave man but was he really that brave? What was he really like? This docudrama is a dramatic retelling of William the Conqueror’s Story. *Highly recommended for research purposes as well as a fun history day viewing.*
Marco Polo - YouTube (50:43)
It is the 13th Century and Marco Polo is going to embark on a voyage to China. However, doubts exist that he made it to China. The scale of his adventures defies belief and his account becomes a best seller of the Middle Ages. Is there legitimate proof that Marco Polo was in China? Even on his death bed, he hinted that he had only told half the story. Today, historians are looking at the documents to prove that he was there. Who was the real Marco Polo? *Highly recommended for research and a history classes.*
Women Who Made History - Joan of Arc - YouTube (50:27)
Joan of Arc liberated France. She challenged soldiers, generals, and the church. It was May of 1429 and Joan was leading her soldiers against the English holding a fortress. If the French took control of the fort, the Orleans would be free. The English had been on French soil for decades and now the French were rising against them to take control of France again. Joan of Arc was leading those French soldiers to victory. *Highly recommended for a history classroom and for independent study students.*
The Hanseatic League - YouTube (43:27)
Recovering the Traces of the Hanseatic League explored the seas three hundred years before the Portuguese started exploring. Not all ships made it back. Ships, storms, and pirates could sink these ships. The Hanseatic League was founded in the 1200s. They were a trading organization. They were a trading network that had extensive contacts in Europe. They focused on the Baltic Sea and what remains of this league is found on the bottom. What can these wrecks tell us about the Hanseatic League? *Recommended for a history class.*
The Renaissance The Age of Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci - Episode 1 (42:25) Episode 2 (42:25)
Vatican City and Saint Peter’s Square is the most impressive monument of the Renaissance. IT is the largest cathedral in the world. Just think, it would have been impossible to construct such a building in the Middle Ages. The knowledge was just not there. Then the Renaissance happened, and knowledge started to flow. Their knowledge would have enabled people to build such structures as Saint Peter’s. What were their secrets? *Recommended for both an art and history class.*
Ivan the Terrible: Russia's First Tsar - YouTube (52:23)
He was orphaned as a child. He was brought up in a system of political violence. He liberates Russia from foreign leaders. He committed his first murder at the age of thirteen. He was the first Tsar of Russia. Was he a harsh ruler who demanded absolute loyalty? Or was he an intellectual? Who is the real Ivan the Terrible? A criminal profiler looks for those answers. Additionally, Ivan’s face will be reconstructed during this documentary. *Highly recommended for a high school history class and for research purposes.*
The Cranachs - YouTube (42:27)
They are two of the greatest artist of the 16th Century, Lucas and Lucas Cranach. They ran a workshop and produced some of the greatest works of the Reformation. They made their fortune painting. The pair were personal friends of Martin Luther. They painted more and faster than any of their contemporaries. Generations of scholars have studied the Cranachs’, however, there are still questions that have to be answered. Today, modern technology may have scholars find the answers they are looking for. * Recommended for an art class and independent study students.*
The Machine that Made Us - YouTube (58:56)
Stephen Fry examines the story of Johann Gutenberg, the genius who invented the printing press. He was the man who launched the first media revolution and launched the modern world. Fry helps make a working medieval printing press. However, Gutenberg’s story is mysterious and Fry hopes that by recreating a printing press he will get to grips with the man. Will Fry succeed in making a working printing press? Who was Johann Gutenberg? *Recommended for a history class as well as a science class because of the experimental history aspect.*
How To Get Ahead - Renaissance Court -YouTube (59:18)
Stephen Smith explores Florence and the reign of Grand Duke Cosimo Medici. Florence was the birthplace of the Renaissance and home to the Medici Family. They were a family of bankers who turned into royals. They were the patrons of the arts and finer things of life. Artists and thinkers flourished in the Medici Court. Cosimo was a man interested in the finer things in life. He was a man who reigned during the same time as Henry VIII. He was the man who wrote the book on how to be a Renaissance Prince. *Use for clips, not recommended to be shown in class.*
Marco Polo: A Very Modern Journey - Episode 1 (47:38) Episode 2 (47:58) Episode 3 (47:57)
Marco Polo journeyed the far reaches of the Mongol Empire. He started in 1271 and his journals reveal an exotic world of riches. How could he have done it? What did he learn about the east? How would his journey look today? Professor Quguang Zhao follows in Marco Polo’s footsteps. Follow the professor as he begins his journey from Venice to the East. What will the professor learn about Marco Polo? *Not recommended for a classroom nor recommended for research purposes.*
Charlemagne - Episode 1 (50:42) Episode 2 (50:14) Episode 3 (51:56)
Charlemagne was the most important Emperor of the Middle Ages. The story begins with a monk gathering wood for a fire. He was a scholar in Charlemagne’s court and was his friend. He is the narrator of Charlemagne’s story. He was crowned Holy Roman Emperor on Christmas Day. He was the most powerful ruler of his time. Even the pope was intimidated by him. He was superhuman. However, what is a myth, and what is reality? *Recommended for the history classroom and research purposes.*
Europe in the Middle Ages - Episode 1 (52:30) Episode 2 (54:22) Episode 3 (51:56) Episode 4 (52:23)
The Middle Ages were often considered a dark and dreary time. Four estates lived during this time: knights, monks, peasants, and beggars. This series follows the lives of people from each level of society. You will see the Middle Ages through their eyes. What was the reality of that? However, it is a time when the modern age was born. So what can we discover about the Middle Ages through these groups? Was the Middle Ages all that dark? *Highly recommended for the middle school history classroom.*
*When the Moors Ruled Europe - VIDEO NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Bettany Hughes explores when the Moors ruled Europe, starting with the Fall of Islam in Spain. She kicks off the episode in 1492 after King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella finally seized Granada and when they did they tried to wipe out all traces of Moorish rule in Spain. It was the end of a kingdom that had lasted 700 years. Hughes tours the various sites left behind by the Moors. *Recommended for a middle school and high school classroom, research purposes, and clips.*
Face of the World - YouTube (1:23:43)
Humans were always trying to find their way around the world. How do they know what lies in distant lands? Did Marco Polo have an atlas? Why did the Romans record their borders? What the world looked like has always fascinated people. Today, people can see where they are on a map. However, how did maps and charts develop in history? Why were maps and charts created? Why would people want to create a picture of the world? This documentary explores the history of map-making and its impact on the world. *Give this documentary a skip.*
Bastions of Power - YouTube (52:43)
During the Middle Ages, castles demonstrated power. Castles were the economic powerhouses of the Middle Ages. They protected the people inside during times of invasion. So what would happen if the enemy was at the gates? This documentary examines the military function of castles. As castles evolved, new weapons would have to evolve to counter them. Europe has many castles. The White Tower in London is the most famous, while the Chateau Gaillard in Normandy was revolutionary in its design. It also explores the last castles of European Robber Knights. *Highly recommended for a history class and for research purposes.*
The Bridges that Built London - YouTube (59:37)
Thirty bridges span the Thames River in London. Eight million people are brought together as a result of these bridges. So what are the secrets of these bridges? Dan Cruickshank explores the history of London’s bridges. So who built these bridges? What are the secrets of the bridge builders? How did these bridges build London? Why do London Bridges keep falling? What do the Bridges tell us about the history of London? *Highly recommended for a history class and for an engineering class.*
The Wars of the Roses
Two Roses - YouTube (50:04)
Where are the roots of the Wars of the Roses? It was an epic clash between two rival houses the House of York and the House of Lancaster. It threatened to tear England apart. Both had descended from the House of Plantagenet, however, some intrigues would lead to the Wars of the Roses. The key figures in the initial conflict were King Henry VI and Richard Duke of York. However did the Wars of the Roses have their roots in the Hundred Years War? This documentary looks to examine the roots of the Wars of the Roses further. *Recommended for a history class.*
The Rose of Rouen - YouTube (49:20)
The feud between the houses of York and Lancaster finally comes to an end. The struggle for power continues to escalate. The Battle of St. Albans rocked English nobility. The Duke of York takes control of England as protector and defender, however, Queen Margaret would not let this happen standing still. Queen Margaret was a foreigner in the English court. She was a woman who took power at a time when women did not take power. However, she was a woman who was willing to defend her and her husband’s rights. Why did she become the center of War of the Roses? *Recommended for a history class.*
The King Maker - YouTube (49:21)
The Wars of the Roses continues to rage on when King Edward IV from the House of York secures the throne with the help of the Earl of Warwick. King Henry VI sought refuge in Scotland. However, this uneasy peace is short-lived. Only one family can emerge. Both sides seek to get into the good graces of the Earl of Warwick. He was the most powerful man in England behind the King of England. So what went wrong? *Recommended for a history class.*
Britain's Bloodiest Dynasty
Britain's Bloodiest Dynasty is about the Plantagenet Family, one of the more dysfunctional English dynasties. They ruled England for 400 years. This dynasty is the inspiration behind Game of Thrones. This series is presented by Dan Jones who is a journalist and historian.
Henry II - YouTube: (44:52)
Dan Jones explores the rule of King Henry II. He explores how he ruled, Thomas Beckett, and his fights with his family. Henry II was a control freak. This led to his wife and sons betraying him. The church also challenged Henry II, which led to Thomas Beckett’s murder in the cathedral. This is a fascinating docu-drama on the Plantagenet family. Dan Jones tells the story well. *This is an excellent docu-drama for research purposes, for a high school history class, or to mine for clips.*
Henry III - YouTube (44:48)
Dan Jones explores the rule of King Henry III, and how his rule ended up with the establishment of the Parliament. King Henry III and Simon de Montfort were best friends. However, they fell out and it caused a revolution in England. This revolution led to Parliament’s establishment. Parliament would set limits on the king. It is a fascinating look at how Parliament was established. *This is an excellent docu-drama for research purposes and for clips in a high school history class.*
Edward II - YouTube (44:27)
Dan Jones explores the beginning and the end of King Edward II, the first English king who was forced to abdicate his throne. King Edward II’s friendship with Piers Gaveston led the nobles to intervene. This resulted in King Edward II taking revenge on those nobles with his new friend Hugh Despencer. King Edward II’s wife, Queen Isabella lead troops against King Edward to overthrow him and put her son on the throne. *This is an excellent docu-drama for research purposes.*
Richard II - YouTube (45:05)
Dan Jones explores the Tyranny of Richard II and how his end kicked off the Wars of the Roses. King Richard II became king as a child. When he became an adult, he took the throne for himself. Unfortunately, the death of his wife led him to become a tyrant. This was unacceptable to the nobles who tried to fight back. His cousin, Henry Bollingbrook, decided to depose King Richard and become King himself. This is an excellent docu-drama for research purposes.*
The Germans Series
This is a German-produced documentary series about the history of the German people. Several of the episodes have been translated into English and made available through YouTube. It is an excellent look at the history of Germany and the German people.
Charlemagne and the Saxons: YouTube (42:48)
The Germans kick off with the story of Charlemagne. Charlemagne was the first European Empire builder. He conquered the Saxon people and spread Christianity throughout the Frankish Empire. The Saxons challenged him, however, they came to accept his kingship. He built grand buildings to help demonstrate his power. This is an excellent summary of what Charlemagne accomplished during his reign. *Highly recommend for a middle school and high school history classroom.*
Otto and The Empire: YouTube (42:51)
Otto of Saxony was a German duke who helped forge the Holy Roman Empire. He united the Germans to fight the Magyars. Otto then put down rebellions and created laws. His second marriage caused controversy among the people. He went to Rome to be crowned the Holy Roman Emperor. This is another excellent documentary about German History. *Highly recommend it for a middle school and high school history classroom.*
Barbarossa and the Lion: YouTube (41:30)
Barbarossa the Holy Roman Emperor and Henry of Saxony, his rival for power in what would eventually become Germany. They were cousins who would challenge each other. Barbarossa believed his crown put him above all the German dukes and kings. Henry of Saxony disagreed with that and tried to demonstrate his power through a building program. *Highly recommend it for middle school and high school history students interested in research.*
The Magna Carta was a legendary document that changed the course of history. It is known as the Great Charter and was an agreement between two warring parties. It was a document that highlighted what freedoms the ordinary man had. It legitimized property rights. This document dates back to the time of Robin Hood and is a highly valued document. It is sometimes called the most important document in world history. This series covers the history of the Magna Carta. *Recommended for research purposes.*
Mongols - YouTube (49:45)
Genghis Khan united the Mongol tribes and led the people on a path of conquest. This conquest spanned a century. Genghis Khan goes down in history as a monster who killed millions. However, what is his true legacy? He was strategic and utilized psychological warfare and battlefield tactics to help the Mongols conquer much of Asia. The Mongols would eventually make their way to Europe and the Hordes would terrorize Europe. So who was the real Genghis Khan? *Recommended for research purposes but a sub should skip this class.*
How the Silk Road Made the World - Episode 1 (52:14) Episode 2 (52:14) Episode 3 (52:14)
For thousands of years, people traveled the trade route known as the Silk Road. The distance is as daunting now as it was in the past. It was a profitable trade route. The Silk Road helped make and break empires. Goods were exchanged. Technology flowed across the road. Ideas traveled along the Silk Road. Conquering armies would use the road to conquer and explore. It brought the East and West together. It was a source of conflict. So how did the Silk Road make the world? *Recommended for research purposes.*
Empire of the Mongols - YouTube (48:12)
Mongols had built a large empire that claimed half the world in under a century. This empire spanned from the Korean Peninsula to Europe. It began with 100,000 men. The Mongol invasion of Europe began with the fall of Kyiv and struck panic into the people. How could such a small group of men bring Europe to its knees? What technology was available at the time to enable such an expansion? Who was the leader of the Mongols? This documentary looks at the rise of the Mongol Empire. *Recommended for a history class.*
The Emperor's Lost Harbor - YouTube (41:48)
Istanbul is a city of 17 million people, spread over two peninsulas. Only two bridges and several ferries serve those 17 million people who cross the Bosporus straight. The Turkish Government is looking to build a train under the Bosporus to help with people crossing the straights. The tunnel will have to be put fifty meters under the surface. This would be the deepest tunnel in the world. However, as the tunnel was put into place there have been amazing finds that tell us about the history of the harbor in Istanbul. *Highly recommended for a middle school and high school history classroom.*
536 AD: The Year The Sun Disappeared Episode 1 (49:15) Episode 2 (49:28)
The year 536 AD was the year dubbed the “year without something.” This was an event that terrified the people. The sun went dark and the rain the color of blood poured from the skies. Winter gripped the land for two years. Drought, famine, and plague followed. Whole cities were whipped out and civilization crumbled. What happened? What was going on? This catastrophe affected the people around the world and nobody knew the answers until now. *Highly recommended for a history and a science class.*
Dark Ages: An Age of Light - Episode 1 (59:11) Episode 2 (59:29) Episode 3 (59:14) Episode 4 (59:53)
Was the Dark Ages an Age of Light? What happened when the Roman Empire collapsed? This shocking question is one that historian Waldemar Januszczak will answer. He travels around Europe, Africa, and Asia to discover the hidden secrets of the Dark Ages. Waldemar makes the argument that the Dark Ages were an age of light and artistry. The art never lies, the Dark Ages were not an age of darkness but an age of light. *First episode recommended for art history class and not recommended for a history class.*
She Wolves: England's Early Queens - Helen Castor - Episode 1 (58:34) Episode 2 (59:02) Episode 3 (1:12:42)
Helen Castor tells the stories of England's early Queens. The first episode covers two women: Matilda and Eleanor. Matilda was supposed to be England's first Queen. Then she covers Isabella of France and Margaret of Anjou. Both of these women went to war to keep their families on the English Throne. Then she concludes the series with Jane Grey, Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth I. *Recommend for using clips in a history classroom and for independent study students.*
Medieval Lives - A Good Birth, Marriage, Death - VIDEO NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Helen Castor uses the Paxton family story to explore how the medieval period dealt with birth, marriage, and death. She starts off the series with Margaret Paxton preparing to give birth. Castor discusses how religion was tied into birth, marriage, and death. She then traces the Paxton’s marriage and finally concludes with death. It is a fascinating look at Medieval lives. *Highly recommend for middle school and high school classrooms as well as for independent study students or clips.*
*Search for Alfred the Great: VIDEO NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Neil Oliver explores the search for the grave of King Alfred the Great, the only British King who had the title "The Great." Oliver tells the story of what happened to the bones as well as the story of Alfred the Great. Scientists have been exploring a set of bones to determine whether or not they belong to Alfred the Great. It is an excellent look at the life of Alfred the Great. *Highly recommend for a middle school and high school history class.*
The Vikings - Episode 1 (44:49) Episode 2 (43:51) Episode 3 (44:05)
Norway was the early cradle of the Vikings, the last barbarians. How did they dominate the seas and waterways of Europe? These warriors traveled around the globe. They created trade networks and built kingdoms. However, their origins are mysterious. Modern archeologists are determined to find the origins. So what made them feared warriors? What made them skilled storytellers? What made the Vikings kingdom builders? Who were the Vikings? *Highly recommend for a middle school and high school history class.*
The Last Journey of the Vikings - Episode 1 (49:55) Episode 2 (49:32) Episode 3 (49:52) Episode 4 (49:58)
The Last Journey of the Vikings is a docudrama series about the Viking People. They traveled widely and shaped European politics. What is the truth about the Vikings? In the Eighth Century, the Vikings started appearing along the coasts of Europe. With their fierce warriors, they gained a reputation as Europe’s terrorizers. They targeted monasteries because the monks could not defend themselves. Eventually, the Vikings’ strategy changed. They mixed with the powerful. So why did the Vikings become pirates? How did they spread their influence over Europe? Tune into this documentary to find out. *Highly recommended for a middle school and high school classroom. Highly recommended to mine for clips.*
Ascent of Civilization - The Vikings - YouTube (50:31)
The Vikings discovered America 500 years before Columbus and revolutionized exploring and trading. The Vikings lived in the north of Europe in widely scattered communities. The Romans called it Scandinavia. It was a land of fire and ice. In the beginning, the Vikings lived peacefully along the coastlines. That changed when they started to terrorize Europe. No man, woman, or child was safe from Viking raids. So how did this group of seafarers change Europe? *HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for a high school history class.*
Warriors Way - Vikings - YouTube (48:37)
The most famous Viking attack in Europe took place at Lindisfarne Monastery. This attack would give the Vikings their brutal reputation and everyone in Europe feared them. They raided and traded throughout Europe. What made them such ruthless warriors? This reputation was made possible by lightning-fast longships and the weapons they had. So what made them go out raiding? Why did they go out and raid? *Recommended for research purposes, skip showing to a history class.*
Varangian Guard - YouTube (49:30)
The Varangian Guard was an elite group of Viking soldiers. They were renowned for their brutality and loyalty. This group struck fear throughout Europe. They had their choice of weapons: ax, spear, or sword. The Byzantine Emperor looked at them and decided to hire a guard for protection. The emperor ruled the biggest and richest state and he looked for someone to help keep him in power. *Recommended for older history students and for research purposes.*
William the Conqueror - YouTube (51:39)
This is the story of William the Conqueror. He made his mark in history by invading England in 1066. Who was the real William the Conqueror? The primary source records are scarce when it comes to William's history. When was William the Conqueror born? What were his motivations for invading England? He goes down in history as a brave man but was he really that brave? What was he really like? This docudrama is a dramatic retelling of William the Conqueror’s Story. *Highly recommended for research purposes as well as a fun history day viewing.*
Marco Polo - YouTube (50:43)
It is the 13th Century and Marco Polo is going to embark on a voyage to China. However, doubts exist that he made it to China. The scale of his adventures defies belief and his account becomes a best seller of the Middle Ages. Is there legitimate proof that Marco Polo was in China? Even on his death bed, he hinted that he had only told half the story. Today, historians are looking at the documents to prove that he was there. Who was the real Marco Polo? *Highly recommended for research and a history classes.*
Women Who Made History - Joan of Arc - YouTube (50:27)
Joan of Arc liberated France. She challenged soldiers, generals, and the church. It was May of 1429 and Joan was leading her soldiers against the English holding a fortress. If the French took control of the fort, the Orleans would be free. The English had been on French soil for decades and now the French were rising against them to take control of France again. Joan of Arc was leading those French soldiers to victory. *Highly recommended for a history classroom and for independent study students.*
The Hanseatic League - YouTube (43:27)
Recovering the Traces of the Hanseatic League explored the seas three hundred years before the Portuguese started exploring. Not all ships made it back. Ships, storms, and pirates could sink these ships. The Hanseatic League was founded in the 1200s. They were a trading organization. They were a trading network that had extensive contacts in Europe. They focused on the Baltic Sea and what remains of this league is found on the bottom. What can these wrecks tell us about the Hanseatic League? *Recommended for a history class.*
The Renaissance The Age of Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci - Episode 1 (42:25) Episode 2 (42:25)
Vatican City and Saint Peter’s Square is the most impressive monument of the Renaissance. IT is the largest cathedral in the world. Just think, it would have been impossible to construct such a building in the Middle Ages. The knowledge was just not there. Then the Renaissance happened, and knowledge started to flow. Their knowledge would have enabled people to build such structures as Saint Peter’s. What were their secrets? *Recommended for both an art and history class.*
Ivan the Terrible: Russia's First Tsar - YouTube (52:23)
He was orphaned as a child. He was brought up in a system of political violence. He liberates Russia from foreign leaders. He committed his first murder at the age of thirteen. He was the first Tsar of Russia. Was he a harsh ruler who demanded absolute loyalty? Or was he an intellectual? Who is the real Ivan the Terrible? A criminal profiler looks for those answers. Additionally, Ivan’s face will be reconstructed during this documentary. *Highly recommended for a high school history class and for research purposes.*
The Cranachs - YouTube (42:27)
They are two of the greatest artist of the 16th Century, Lucas and Lucas Cranach. They ran a workshop and produced some of the greatest works of the Reformation. They made their fortune painting. The pair were personal friends of Martin Luther. They painted more and faster than any of their contemporaries. Generations of scholars have studied the Cranachs’, however, there are still questions that have to be answered. Today, modern technology may have scholars find the answers they are looking for. * Recommended for an art class and independent study students.*
The Machine that Made Us - YouTube (58:56)
Stephen Fry examines the story of Johann Gutenberg, the genius who invented the printing press. He was the man who launched the first media revolution and launched the modern world. Fry helps make a working medieval printing press. However, Gutenberg’s story is mysterious and Fry hopes that by recreating a printing press he will get to grips with the man. Will Fry succeed in making a working printing press? Who was Johann Gutenberg? *Recommended for a history class as well as a science class because of the experimental history aspect.*
How To Get Ahead - Renaissance Court -YouTube (59:18)
Stephen Smith explores Florence and the reign of Grand Duke Cosimo Medici. Florence was the birthplace of the Renaissance and home to the Medici Family. They were a family of bankers who turned into royals. They were the patrons of the arts and finer things of life. Artists and thinkers flourished in the Medici Court. Cosimo was a man interested in the finer things in life. He was a man who reigned during the same time as Henry VIII. He was the man who wrote the book on how to be a Renaissance Prince. *Use for clips, not recommended to be shown in class.*
Marco Polo: A Very Modern Journey - Episode 1 (47:38) Episode 2 (47:58) Episode 3 (47:57)
Marco Polo journeyed the far reaches of the Mongol Empire. He started in 1271 and his journals reveal an exotic world of riches. How could he have done it? What did he learn about the east? How would his journey look today? Professor Quguang Zhao follows in Marco Polo’s footsteps. Follow the professor as he begins his journey from Venice to the East. What will the professor learn about Marco Polo? *Not recommended for a classroom nor recommended for research purposes.*
Charlemagne - Episode 1 (50:42) Episode 2 (50:14) Episode 3 (51:56)
Charlemagne was the most important Emperor of the Middle Ages. The story begins with a monk gathering wood for a fire. He was a scholar in Charlemagne’s court and was his friend. He is the narrator of Charlemagne’s story. He was crowned Holy Roman Emperor on Christmas Day. He was the most powerful ruler of his time. Even the pope was intimidated by him. He was superhuman. However, what is a myth, and what is reality? *Recommended for the history classroom and research purposes.*
Europe in the Middle Ages - Episode 1 (52:30) Episode 2 (54:22) Episode 3 (51:56) Episode 4 (52:23)
The Middle Ages were often considered a dark and dreary time. Four estates lived during this time: knights, monks, peasants, and beggars. This series follows the lives of people from each level of society. You will see the Middle Ages through their eyes. What was the reality of that? However, it is a time when the modern age was born. So what can we discover about the Middle Ages through these groups? Was the Middle Ages all that dark? *Highly recommended for the middle school history classroom.*
*When the Moors Ruled Europe - VIDEO NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Bettany Hughes explores when the Moors ruled Europe, starting with the Fall of Islam in Spain. She kicks off the episode in 1492 after King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella finally seized Granada and when they did they tried to wipe out all traces of Moorish rule in Spain. It was the end of a kingdom that had lasted 700 years. Hughes tours the various sites left behind by the Moors. *Recommended for a middle school and high school classroom, research purposes, and clips.*
Face of the World - YouTube (1:23:43)
Humans were always trying to find their way around the world. How do they know what lies in distant lands? Did Marco Polo have an atlas? Why did the Romans record their borders? What the world looked like has always fascinated people. Today, people can see where they are on a map. However, how did maps and charts develop in history? Why were maps and charts created? Why would people want to create a picture of the world? This documentary explores the history of map-making and its impact on the world. *Give this documentary a skip.*
Bastions of Power - YouTube (52:43)
During the Middle Ages, castles demonstrated power. Castles were the economic powerhouses of the Middle Ages. They protected the people inside during times of invasion. So what would happen if the enemy was at the gates? This documentary examines the military function of castles. As castles evolved, new weapons would have to evolve to counter them. Europe has many castles. The White Tower in London is the most famous, while the Chateau Gaillard in Normandy was revolutionary in its design. It also explores the last castles of European Robber Knights. *Highly recommended for a history class and for research purposes.*
The Bridges that Built London - YouTube (59:37)
Thirty bridges span the Thames River in London. Eight million people are brought together as a result of these bridges. So what are the secrets of these bridges? Dan Cruickshank explores the history of London’s bridges. So who built these bridges? What are the secrets of the bridge builders? How did these bridges build London? Why do London Bridges keep falling? What do the Bridges tell us about the history of London? *Highly recommended for a history class and for an engineering class.*
The Wars of the Roses
Two Roses - YouTube (50:04)
Where are the roots of the Wars of the Roses? It was an epic clash between two rival houses the House of York and the House of Lancaster. It threatened to tear England apart. Both had descended from the House of Plantagenet, however, some intrigues would lead to the Wars of the Roses. The key figures in the initial conflict were King Henry VI and Richard Duke of York. However did the Wars of the Roses have their roots in the Hundred Years War? This documentary looks to examine the roots of the Wars of the Roses further. *Recommended for a history class.*
The Rose of Rouen - YouTube (49:20)
The feud between the houses of York and Lancaster finally comes to an end. The struggle for power continues to escalate. The Battle of St. Albans rocked English nobility. The Duke of York takes control of England as protector and defender, however, Queen Margaret would not let this happen standing still. Queen Margaret was a foreigner in the English court. She was a woman who took power at a time when women did not take power. However, she was a woman who was willing to defend her and her husband’s rights. Why did she become the center of War of the Roses? *Recommended for a history class.*
The King Maker - YouTube (49:21)
The Wars of the Roses continues to rage on when King Edward IV from the House of York secures the throne with the help of the Earl of Warwick. King Henry VI sought refuge in Scotland. However, this uneasy peace is short-lived. Only one family can emerge. Both sides seek to get into the good graces of the Earl of Warwick. He was the most powerful man in England behind the King of England. So what went wrong? *Recommended for a history class.*
Britain's Bloodiest Dynasty
Britain's Bloodiest Dynasty is about the Plantagenet Family, one of the more dysfunctional English dynasties. They ruled England for 400 years. This dynasty is the inspiration behind Game of Thrones. This series is presented by Dan Jones who is a journalist and historian.
Henry II - YouTube: (44:52)
Dan Jones explores the rule of King Henry II. He explores how he ruled, Thomas Beckett, and his fights with his family. Henry II was a control freak. This led to his wife and sons betraying him. The church also challenged Henry II, which led to Thomas Beckett’s murder in the cathedral. This is a fascinating docu-drama on the Plantagenet family. Dan Jones tells the story well. *This is an excellent docu-drama for research purposes, for a high school history class, or to mine for clips.*
Henry III - YouTube (44:48)
Dan Jones explores the rule of King Henry III, and how his rule ended up with the establishment of the Parliament. King Henry III and Simon de Montfort were best friends. However, they fell out and it caused a revolution in England. This revolution led to Parliament’s establishment. Parliament would set limits on the king. It is a fascinating look at how Parliament was established. *This is an excellent docu-drama for research purposes and for clips in a high school history class.*
Edward II - YouTube (44:27)
Dan Jones explores the beginning and the end of King Edward II, the first English king who was forced to abdicate his throne. King Edward II’s friendship with Piers Gaveston led the nobles to intervene. This resulted in King Edward II taking revenge on those nobles with his new friend Hugh Despencer. King Edward II’s wife, Queen Isabella lead troops against King Edward to overthrow him and put her son on the throne. *This is an excellent docu-drama for research purposes.*
Richard II - YouTube (45:05)
Dan Jones explores the Tyranny of Richard II and how his end kicked off the Wars of the Roses. King Richard II became king as a child. When he became an adult, he took the throne for himself. Unfortunately, the death of his wife led him to become a tyrant. This was unacceptable to the nobles who tried to fight back. His cousin, Henry Bollingbrook, decided to depose King Richard and become King himself. This is an excellent docu-drama for research purposes.*
The Germans Series
This is a German-produced documentary series about the history of the German people. Several of the episodes have been translated into English and made available through YouTube. It is an excellent look at the history of Germany and the German people.
Charlemagne and the Saxons: YouTube (42:48)
The Germans kick off with the story of Charlemagne. Charlemagne was the first European Empire builder. He conquered the Saxon people and spread Christianity throughout the Frankish Empire. The Saxons challenged him, however, they came to accept his kingship. He built grand buildings to help demonstrate his power. This is an excellent summary of what Charlemagne accomplished during his reign. *Highly recommend for a middle school and high school history classroom.*
Otto and The Empire: YouTube (42:51)
Otto of Saxony was a German duke who helped forge the Holy Roman Empire. He united the Germans to fight the Magyars. Otto then put down rebellions and created laws. His second marriage caused controversy among the people. He went to Rome to be crowned the Holy Roman Emperor. This is another excellent documentary about German History. *Highly recommend it for a middle school and high school history classroom.*
Barbarossa and the Lion: YouTube (41:30)
Barbarossa the Holy Roman Emperor and Henry of Saxony, his rival for power in what would eventually become Germany. They were cousins who would challenge each other. Barbarossa believed his crown put him above all the German dukes and kings. Henry of Saxony disagreed with that and tried to demonstrate his power through a building program. *Highly recommend it for middle school and high school history students interested in research.*
The Germans - Martin Luther and the Nation: YouTube (42:51)
Martin Luther's 95 Theses touched off a Religious Reformation that swept through Europe. It kicks off with his trial and eventual hiding in the German territories. The second part of this documentary tells the story of Luther’s marriage. This is an excellent introduction to the Reformation. The first part of the episode would be good to show in a Christian school. *Highly recommend for both high school and middle school classrooms and independent study students.*
Secrets of the Dead - Battle for the Bible: YouTube (51:29)
This is the history of how the Bible was translated into English. Bible translation was an illegal act. This documentary tells the story of John Wycliffe, Thomas Cramner, and William Tyndale. John Wycliffe was the first person who worked on translating the Bible into English. William Tyndale was the next person who worked on translating the Bible. Thomas Cramner worked with reforming the English religion. *Highly recommend for middle school and high school classrooms. It is a good filler for a substitute teacher.*
Baroque - Episode 1 (58:39) Episode 2 (59:02) Episode 3 (59:38)
Waldemar Januszczak explores the world of Baroque Art. Baroque art spanned the 17th Century, spawning the greatest art. It began in St. Peter’s in Rome. It is an art form that embraces you. It goes big and highlights the drama. It could become dark and edgy. It blurred the divide between art and reality. The Baroque roped in other art forms to bring you into its world. Music, sculpture, and architecture were all impacted by the Baroque arts. *HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for an art class. Episode 1 would be a good idea for a STEM class.*
First Before Columbus The True Discoverers of America - YouTube (51:54)
There were other explorers before Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas. They even hinted at the Americas in their maps. Leif Erickson was one. Legend has it that a Welsh prince-built castles along the Ohio River Valley. An African King, who is said to have used his wealth to finance one of the world’s biggest fleets. So was Christopher Columbus would be the first to discover America? Or did he use oral traditions and written records to map out his voyage to the Americas? *Highly recommend for middle school and high school classrooms. It is a good filler for a substitute teacher.*
Martin Luther's 95 Theses touched off a Religious Reformation that swept through Europe. It kicks off with his trial and eventual hiding in the German territories. The second part of this documentary tells the story of Luther’s marriage. This is an excellent introduction to the Reformation. The first part of the episode would be good to show in a Christian school. *Highly recommend for both high school and middle school classrooms and independent study students.*
Secrets of the Dead - Battle for the Bible: YouTube (51:29)
This is the history of how the Bible was translated into English. Bible translation was an illegal act. This documentary tells the story of John Wycliffe, Thomas Cramner, and William Tyndale. John Wycliffe was the first person who worked on translating the Bible into English. William Tyndale was the next person who worked on translating the Bible. Thomas Cramner worked with reforming the English religion. *Highly recommend for middle school and high school classrooms. It is a good filler for a substitute teacher.*
Baroque - Episode 1 (58:39) Episode 2 (59:02) Episode 3 (59:38)
Waldemar Januszczak explores the world of Baroque Art. Baroque art spanned the 17th Century, spawning the greatest art. It began in St. Peter’s in Rome. It is an art form that embraces you. It goes big and highlights the drama. It could become dark and edgy. It blurred the divide between art and reality. The Baroque roped in other art forms to bring you into its world. Music, sculpture, and architecture were all impacted by the Baroque arts. *HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for an art class. Episode 1 would be a good idea for a STEM class.*
First Before Columbus The True Discoverers of America - YouTube (51:54)
There were other explorers before Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas. They even hinted at the Americas in their maps. Leif Erickson was one. Legend has it that a Welsh prince-built castles along the Ohio River Valley. An African King, who is said to have used his wealth to finance one of the world’s biggest fleets. So was Christopher Columbus would be the first to discover America? Or did he use oral traditions and written records to map out his voyage to the Americas? *Highly recommend for middle school and high school classrooms. It is a good filler for a substitute teacher.*
Post Reformation World
Pendle Witch Trials - YouTube (59:64)
Alice Device, Jennet’s sister, confessed to being a witch. An old peddler was struck down with a stroke after refusing to sell her some pins. After this confession, dozens of people were arrested. Jennet Device testifies in a witch trial against her family, setting a precedent in judicial history. Jennet’s testimony condemned her family. The narrator presents this documentary very well and his style engages the viewer. *Recommended for independent research purposes.*
Witch Hunt: A Century of Murder - Episode 1 (44:61) Episode 2 (44:39)
This special is narrated by Suzannah Lipscomb. King James I when he came over to England to rule brought over his beliefs about witches and touched off decades of witch-hunting in England. There was another flare-up of witch-hunting as a precursor to the English Civil War. Eventually, the century of murder came to an end. Suzannah Lipscomb narrates this series well and addresses how the accused witches were innocent. *Recommended for independent research purposes.*
The Great Fire – Episode 1 (44:20) Episode 2 (44:32) Episode 3 (44:32)
Dan Jones, Suzannah Lipscomb, and Rob Bell explore the history of the Great London Fire. It was the biggest fire London ever had. They walk the route of the fire and explore how the fire started. The fire happened during a hot, dry summer. Jones, Lipscomb, and Bell explore the Great London Fire through the stories of three people. They tell how the fire impacted them. It is an in-depth look at the London Fire. *Recommended for research purposes.*
War on Witches - YouTube (47:03)
It is 1590: England is ruled by Queen Elizabeth and Scotland is ruled by King James I. King James I had a vendetta. He had a vendetta against witches. In May 1590, King James I was returning to Scotland from Denmark. Storms were stirred up in the North Sea. King James was in danger of sinking. Winds and waves slammed the ship. The passengers thought the storm was caused unnaturally. King James I was going to find out. *Highly recommended for a history classroom and independent study students.*
Dark History of Witches - YouTube (46:20)
What do we know about the witch? Who were the women that were accused of being witches? Are they a remnant of a long-lost goddess? How did a child’s game go so wrong in Salem? Why are there practicing witches today? This documentary seeks to answer those questions. The historians look at the beginnings of witchcraft, where witches came from, and what it meant to be a practicing witch. *Recommended for research purposes and to use clips in a classroom lecture.*
The Gunpowder Plot - YouTube (1:16:36)
In 1605 in Westminster, a group of Catholic Conspirators hatched a plot to assassinate the King, Queen, and Parliament by setting fire to 36 barrels of gunpowder. This gunpowder was beneath the British Parliament. These conspirators were led by the charismatic Robert Catesby, however, it was Guy Fawkes that was caught red-handed. This documentary dives into the intrigue, and betrayal followed by the arrest and trial of the conspirators. *Highly recommended for a history class.*
The Hidden World of the Harem - YouTube (1:36:51)
The Ottoman Imperial Harem brings together a variety of historians to talk about the controversies of the Ottoman Harem. It is a system steeped in mystery and misunderstanding. The harem was closed off to the world. Who were the people that made up? Was it a place of hard partying? Or was it a place where great learning took place? This documentary brings in a prince who lived in the harem all his life. He was one of the last people to have lived in the harem. *Recommended for research purposes and for a high school history classroom.*
More Than Just Enemies - Episode 1 (51:20) Episode 2 (51:51)
On October 11, 1697, the Ottoman army is annihilated in the Battle of Zenta. The victorious army was led by Eugene of Savoy and this victory ends the steady rise of the Ottoman Empire. It is a look at the two empires at the time: The Hapsburg Empire and the Ottoman Empire. During times of peace, there were many cultural exchanges. However, there were times of war and thousands were killed as a result. Who were the people that lead these empires? What is the story of the battles between the Hapsburg Empire and the Ottoman Empire. *Good documentary for clips and for research purposes.*
The Stuarts: A Bloody Reign - Episode 1 (43:26) Episode 2 (43:33) Episode 3 (43:46) Episode 4 (43:35)
The Stuarts: A Bloody Reign is a series featuring the Stuarts. They took over England after the death of Queen Elizabeth I. Europe is torn apart by religious conflict and England is right at the center. The Stuart kings were James I, Charles I, Charles II, and James II. Kate Williams reassesses this dynasty in light of new evidence. She also explores a family who witnessed the rise and the fall of the Stuarts. *Skip episode 1, otherwise episodes 2-4 are highly recommended for a history class.*
Tiny Holland, Great Holland - YouTube (47:27)
The Netherlands would rise from a humble beginning in the 16th Century. The Netherlands, the size of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, declared independence from Spain. Why would they declare independence from Spain? Freedom of religion would be the national creed. Eventually, the Netherlands would rule the oceans of the world. How did the tiny Netherlands become such a superpower? *Recommended for a history class and for research purposes.*
Recovering Swedish War Ships - YouTube (43:08)
On April 24, 1715, the Danish and Swedish navies met and commenced to fight. The battle was not far from the Bay of Kiel. These two nations were fighting over trade routes. Decades later, divers are finding the remains of cannons on the site of the battle. Eventually, a wooden ship was found, making archeologists and historians curious about the battle. What was this ship? What could this ship tell us about such a decisive battle? *Add to your potential documentary list and share with an independent study student.*
The Great Plague - Episode 1 (43:50) Episode 2 (44:18) Episode 3 (44:13)
London was hit by the Great Plague in 1665. 100,000 people in London were killed over eighteen months. The plague spread throughout the country as well killing more people. What are the plagues' parallels to COVID-19? Xand van Tulleken, Raksha Dave, and John Sergeant work to trace the origins of the plague in London over three episodes. Xand looks at the records to see where it started. Raksha looks at how the disease spread. John discovers the symptoms of the plague and how it was transmitted. *Recommended for a history class.*
Rouge's Gallery - YouTube (58:54)
Sam Willis continues his exploration of the history of Britain’s Outlaws. This time Sam looks at the fraudsters and takes a look at the rogues’ gallery. He tells the story of a young orphan who would become one of Britain’s most loved rouges. A quarter million people showed up to witness his hanging. Mary Toft was another fraudster who convinced the people that she could give birth to rabbits. No less than King George I was convinced that she could give birth to rabbits. She would be considered the first con artist. *Recommended for a history class fun day.*
The Highwayman - YouTube (58:51)
Out of the ashes of the English Civil War, a new breed of criminal arose. He would become known as the highwayman. These were men who were romanticized in literature but they were gangsters who were social menace on the road. They were a thorn in the side of the British establishment. They were a thief of wallets and a thief of hearts. One of those men would include James Hind who could become the model for Robin Hood. So what was the reality of the highwayman? *Recommended for a history class fun day.*
Triunfante - YouTube (53:03)
In the 18th Century, under King Fernando VI, the Spanish State is undergoing a reformation. This reformation is starting with the Navy. The Spanish nation wants to keep up with England when it comes to having the most technologically advanced navy. Three hundred years navy a modern ship went on an expedition to discover a lost ship from this period. It is called the Triunfante. It had sunk in the Bay of Roses in 1795. What had caused the ship to sink? What secrets will it reveal about Spanish building techniques? *Recommended for research and a history class.*
Atahualpa: Death of the Last Inca Emperor - YouTube (45:14)
On July 26, 1533, Atahualpa was executed. It was said that the general who ordered his death shed a tear. Just before his execution he had been baptized a Catholic and took the name Francisco. He was the last ruler of an empire that had stood for centuries. It was the biggest empire that the Americas had ever known. Atahualpa’s death would signal the end of that empire. *HIGHLY recommended for a history class and for research purposes.*
Alice Device, Jennet’s sister, confessed to being a witch. An old peddler was struck down with a stroke after refusing to sell her some pins. After this confession, dozens of people were arrested. Jennet Device testifies in a witch trial against her family, setting a precedent in judicial history. Jennet’s testimony condemned her family. The narrator presents this documentary very well and his style engages the viewer. *Recommended for independent research purposes.*
Witch Hunt: A Century of Murder - Episode 1 (44:61) Episode 2 (44:39)
This special is narrated by Suzannah Lipscomb. King James I when he came over to England to rule brought over his beliefs about witches and touched off decades of witch-hunting in England. There was another flare-up of witch-hunting as a precursor to the English Civil War. Eventually, the century of murder came to an end. Suzannah Lipscomb narrates this series well and addresses how the accused witches were innocent. *Recommended for independent research purposes.*
The Great Fire – Episode 1 (44:20) Episode 2 (44:32) Episode 3 (44:32)
Dan Jones, Suzannah Lipscomb, and Rob Bell explore the history of the Great London Fire. It was the biggest fire London ever had. They walk the route of the fire and explore how the fire started. The fire happened during a hot, dry summer. Jones, Lipscomb, and Bell explore the Great London Fire through the stories of three people. They tell how the fire impacted them. It is an in-depth look at the London Fire. *Recommended for research purposes.*
War on Witches - YouTube (47:03)
It is 1590: England is ruled by Queen Elizabeth and Scotland is ruled by King James I. King James I had a vendetta. He had a vendetta against witches. In May 1590, King James I was returning to Scotland from Denmark. Storms were stirred up in the North Sea. King James was in danger of sinking. Winds and waves slammed the ship. The passengers thought the storm was caused unnaturally. King James I was going to find out. *Highly recommended for a history classroom and independent study students.*
Dark History of Witches - YouTube (46:20)
What do we know about the witch? Who were the women that were accused of being witches? Are they a remnant of a long-lost goddess? How did a child’s game go so wrong in Salem? Why are there practicing witches today? This documentary seeks to answer those questions. The historians look at the beginnings of witchcraft, where witches came from, and what it meant to be a practicing witch. *Recommended for research purposes and to use clips in a classroom lecture.*
The Gunpowder Plot - YouTube (1:16:36)
In 1605 in Westminster, a group of Catholic Conspirators hatched a plot to assassinate the King, Queen, and Parliament by setting fire to 36 barrels of gunpowder. This gunpowder was beneath the British Parliament. These conspirators were led by the charismatic Robert Catesby, however, it was Guy Fawkes that was caught red-handed. This documentary dives into the intrigue, and betrayal followed by the arrest and trial of the conspirators. *Highly recommended for a history class.*
The Hidden World of the Harem - YouTube (1:36:51)
The Ottoman Imperial Harem brings together a variety of historians to talk about the controversies of the Ottoman Harem. It is a system steeped in mystery and misunderstanding. The harem was closed off to the world. Who were the people that made up? Was it a place of hard partying? Or was it a place where great learning took place? This documentary brings in a prince who lived in the harem all his life. He was one of the last people to have lived in the harem. *Recommended for research purposes and for a high school history classroom.*
More Than Just Enemies - Episode 1 (51:20) Episode 2 (51:51)
On October 11, 1697, the Ottoman army is annihilated in the Battle of Zenta. The victorious army was led by Eugene of Savoy and this victory ends the steady rise of the Ottoman Empire. It is a look at the two empires at the time: The Hapsburg Empire and the Ottoman Empire. During times of peace, there were many cultural exchanges. However, there were times of war and thousands were killed as a result. Who were the people that lead these empires? What is the story of the battles between the Hapsburg Empire and the Ottoman Empire. *Good documentary for clips and for research purposes.*
The Stuarts: A Bloody Reign - Episode 1 (43:26) Episode 2 (43:33) Episode 3 (43:46) Episode 4 (43:35)
The Stuarts: A Bloody Reign is a series featuring the Stuarts. They took over England after the death of Queen Elizabeth I. Europe is torn apart by religious conflict and England is right at the center. The Stuart kings were James I, Charles I, Charles II, and James II. Kate Williams reassesses this dynasty in light of new evidence. She also explores a family who witnessed the rise and the fall of the Stuarts. *Skip episode 1, otherwise episodes 2-4 are highly recommended for a history class.*
Tiny Holland, Great Holland - YouTube (47:27)
The Netherlands would rise from a humble beginning in the 16th Century. The Netherlands, the size of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, declared independence from Spain. Why would they declare independence from Spain? Freedom of religion would be the national creed. Eventually, the Netherlands would rule the oceans of the world. How did the tiny Netherlands become such a superpower? *Recommended for a history class and for research purposes.*
Recovering Swedish War Ships - YouTube (43:08)
On April 24, 1715, the Danish and Swedish navies met and commenced to fight. The battle was not far from the Bay of Kiel. These two nations were fighting over trade routes. Decades later, divers are finding the remains of cannons on the site of the battle. Eventually, a wooden ship was found, making archeologists and historians curious about the battle. What was this ship? What could this ship tell us about such a decisive battle? *Add to your potential documentary list and share with an independent study student.*
The Great Plague - Episode 1 (43:50) Episode 2 (44:18) Episode 3 (44:13)
London was hit by the Great Plague in 1665. 100,000 people in London were killed over eighteen months. The plague spread throughout the country as well killing more people. What are the plagues' parallels to COVID-19? Xand van Tulleken, Raksha Dave, and John Sergeant work to trace the origins of the plague in London over three episodes. Xand looks at the records to see where it started. Raksha looks at how the disease spread. John discovers the symptoms of the plague and how it was transmitted. *Recommended for a history class.*
Rouge's Gallery - YouTube (58:54)
Sam Willis continues his exploration of the history of Britain’s Outlaws. This time Sam looks at the fraudsters and takes a look at the rogues’ gallery. He tells the story of a young orphan who would become one of Britain’s most loved rouges. A quarter million people showed up to witness his hanging. Mary Toft was another fraudster who convinced the people that she could give birth to rabbits. No less than King George I was convinced that she could give birth to rabbits. She would be considered the first con artist. *Recommended for a history class fun day.*
The Highwayman - YouTube (58:51)
Out of the ashes of the English Civil War, a new breed of criminal arose. He would become known as the highwayman. These were men who were romanticized in literature but they were gangsters who were social menace on the road. They were a thorn in the side of the British establishment. They were a thief of wallets and a thief of hearts. One of those men would include James Hind who could become the model for Robin Hood. So what was the reality of the highwayman? *Recommended for a history class fun day.*
Triunfante - YouTube (53:03)
In the 18th Century, under King Fernando VI, the Spanish State is undergoing a reformation. This reformation is starting with the Navy. The Spanish nation wants to keep up with England when it comes to having the most technologically advanced navy. Three hundred years navy a modern ship went on an expedition to discover a lost ship from this period. It is called the Triunfante. It had sunk in the Bay of Roses in 1795. What had caused the ship to sink? What secrets will it reveal about Spanish building techniques? *Recommended for research and a history class.*
Atahualpa: Death of the Last Inca Emperor - YouTube (45:14)
On July 26, 1533, Atahualpa was executed. It was said that the general who ordered his death shed a tear. Just before his execution he had been baptized a Catholic and took the name Francisco. He was the last ruler of an empire that had stood for centuries. It was the biggest empire that the Americas had ever known. Atahualpa’s death would signal the end of that empire. *HIGHLY recommended for a history class and for research purposes.*
Victorian Period
Krakatoa: The Great Volcanic Eruption - YouTube (1:25:34)
The Explosion of Krakatoa is a docudrama about the 1883 eruption. It tells the story of the lighthouse keeper, a ship's captain, government officials, and the people. Using primary sources, the producers put together this documentary about the eruption of Krakatoa and its impact on the world. *Highly recommended for a middle school and high school history, geography, and earth science classroom. Highly recommended for independent study students.*
Hidden Killers of the Victorian Home - YouTube (58:58)
Suzannah Lipscomb explores the hidden killers of the Victorian Home. She shows that the killers appeared in the home starting with the drawing-room, the bedroom, and the kitchen. The Victorian Period was an era of innovation. The Victorians had pocket money and they wanted to spend it. Unfortunately, these innovations could kill the homeowner. *Recommended for a high school history classroom. Highly recommended for independent study students.*
Secrets of the Victorian Workhouse - Episode 1 (43:45) Episode 2 (43:55)
Several UK celebrities explore their relatives’ experiences in the Victorian Workhouse. The Victorian Workhouse was the place where the poor and destitute received free health care and food. However, poverty was a crime in Victorian England, so the workhouse became famous for its harsh conditions. One famous resident of the workhouse became the famous actor Charlie Chaplin. His workhouse experiences inspired his acting and the characters he portrayed. *Highly recommended for research purposes.*
A Castle Full of Secrets: Neuschwanstein -YouTube (51:30)
Neuschwanstein Castle is a place of myths and legends. It was a childhood dream of a future King and became one of the most exciting building projects in the world. The foundation stone was laid on September 5, 1869, by King Ludwig II of Bavaria. He would not live long enough to live in this lovely castle. His sudden death gave the castle its legendary status. Soon after his death, the castle was opened to show the public how crazy the dead king one. It would survive two world wars and would become the inspiration for Sleeping Beauty. *Highly recommended for both a history and geography class. Highly recommended for research purposes.*
Great Liners - YouTube (56:27)
The Queen Elizabeth II was the flagship of the Cunard Line. She was equipped with the latest in technology and could go 34 knots an hour. This ship was the culmination of hundreds of years of ocean travel. The story begins with the Great Western and visionaries like Isambard Brunel. Then traveling the ocean on purpose-built ships took off. Ships continued to evolve bigger and better and their technology would be impacted by the developments of World War I. *Recommended for a history class.*
Secrets from the Clink - Episode 1 (46:18) Episode 2 (46:18)
This is a two-part program where celebrities take a journal to discover how their ancestors served time in Victorian Prisons. Celebrities Johnny Vegas, Mariella Frostrup, Len Goodman, Michelle Collins and Daisy McAndrews. They discover ancestors who were accused of theft, embezzlement, and assault. They travel to where their ancestors were put on trial and look at original documents to learn about what crimes their ancestors did to land them in prison. *Recommended for a history fun day.*
Royal Wreck of Gold - YouTube (52:42)
It is October 26, 1859, and the Royal Charter ship is making its way from Melbourne to Liverpool. The Royal Charter entered British waters when one of the most severe storms ever to hit Britain took the ship down. The ship not only drags her human passengers down to the bottom but a treasure trove of gold. This fortune, amounting to $130 Million was discovered in Australia and ended up at the bottom of the sea. Vince Thurkettle, a shipwreck hunter is looking to find this lost treasure. What will be recovered from the bottom of the sea? Why did this ship go down? *Recommended for a history class and for research purposes.*
The Crimean War Episode 1 (50:52) Episode 2 (51:11) Episode 3 (50:51)
The Crimean War was one of the first wars to be photographed. In May 1855, the British, French, and Turks were encamped on the Crimean Plains in Southern Russia. The soldiers thought that this was going to be a short war, however, it has been eight months since the Crimean War began. Now these soldiers longed for home. It was a war that allowed legends to spring up, however, what is the truth of the Crimean War? Using letters and diaries of the soldiers who fought in the Crimean War this documentary explores the reality of the Crimean War. *Recommended for a history class.*
Zulu Wars - Episode 1 (50:31)
Isandlwana has gone down as one of Britain’s worst military defeats. It was January 11, 1879, when British troops invaded the kingdom of Zululand in South Africa. This would prompt the Zulu Wars. The British had defeated the Zulu before and looked for another victory over the Zulu. However, the Zulu would shock the British. What happened? How would the Zulu overcome the British military? How would the British respond to this defeat? *Not recommended for a history class.*
The Explosion of Krakatoa is a docudrama about the 1883 eruption. It tells the story of the lighthouse keeper, a ship's captain, government officials, and the people. Using primary sources, the producers put together this documentary about the eruption of Krakatoa and its impact on the world. *Highly recommended for a middle school and high school history, geography, and earth science classroom. Highly recommended for independent study students.*
Hidden Killers of the Victorian Home - YouTube (58:58)
Suzannah Lipscomb explores the hidden killers of the Victorian Home. She shows that the killers appeared in the home starting with the drawing-room, the bedroom, and the kitchen. The Victorian Period was an era of innovation. The Victorians had pocket money and they wanted to spend it. Unfortunately, these innovations could kill the homeowner. *Recommended for a high school history classroom. Highly recommended for independent study students.*
Secrets of the Victorian Workhouse - Episode 1 (43:45) Episode 2 (43:55)
Several UK celebrities explore their relatives’ experiences in the Victorian Workhouse. The Victorian Workhouse was the place where the poor and destitute received free health care and food. However, poverty was a crime in Victorian England, so the workhouse became famous for its harsh conditions. One famous resident of the workhouse became the famous actor Charlie Chaplin. His workhouse experiences inspired his acting and the characters he portrayed. *Highly recommended for research purposes.*
A Castle Full of Secrets: Neuschwanstein -YouTube (51:30)
Neuschwanstein Castle is a place of myths and legends. It was a childhood dream of a future King and became one of the most exciting building projects in the world. The foundation stone was laid on September 5, 1869, by King Ludwig II of Bavaria. He would not live long enough to live in this lovely castle. His sudden death gave the castle its legendary status. Soon after his death, the castle was opened to show the public how crazy the dead king one. It would survive two world wars and would become the inspiration for Sleeping Beauty. *Highly recommended for both a history and geography class. Highly recommended for research purposes.*
Great Liners - YouTube (56:27)
The Queen Elizabeth II was the flagship of the Cunard Line. She was equipped with the latest in technology and could go 34 knots an hour. This ship was the culmination of hundreds of years of ocean travel. The story begins with the Great Western and visionaries like Isambard Brunel. Then traveling the ocean on purpose-built ships took off. Ships continued to evolve bigger and better and their technology would be impacted by the developments of World War I. *Recommended for a history class.*
Secrets from the Clink - Episode 1 (46:18) Episode 2 (46:18)
This is a two-part program where celebrities take a journal to discover how their ancestors served time in Victorian Prisons. Celebrities Johnny Vegas, Mariella Frostrup, Len Goodman, Michelle Collins and Daisy McAndrews. They discover ancestors who were accused of theft, embezzlement, and assault. They travel to where their ancestors were put on trial and look at original documents to learn about what crimes their ancestors did to land them in prison. *Recommended for a history fun day.*
Royal Wreck of Gold - YouTube (52:42)
It is October 26, 1859, and the Royal Charter ship is making its way from Melbourne to Liverpool. The Royal Charter entered British waters when one of the most severe storms ever to hit Britain took the ship down. The ship not only drags her human passengers down to the bottom but a treasure trove of gold. This fortune, amounting to $130 Million was discovered in Australia and ended up at the bottom of the sea. Vince Thurkettle, a shipwreck hunter is looking to find this lost treasure. What will be recovered from the bottom of the sea? Why did this ship go down? *Recommended for a history class and for research purposes.*
The Crimean War Episode 1 (50:52) Episode 2 (51:11) Episode 3 (50:51)
The Crimean War was one of the first wars to be photographed. In May 1855, the British, French, and Turks were encamped on the Crimean Plains in Southern Russia. The soldiers thought that this was going to be a short war, however, it has been eight months since the Crimean War began. Now these soldiers longed for home. It was a war that allowed legends to spring up, however, what is the truth of the Crimean War? Using letters and diaries of the soldiers who fought in the Crimean War this documentary explores the reality of the Crimean War. *Recommended for a history class.*
Zulu Wars - Episode 1 (50:31)
Isandlwana has gone down as one of Britain’s worst military defeats. It was January 11, 1879, when British troops invaded the kingdom of Zululand in South Africa. This would prompt the Zulu Wars. The British had defeated the Zulu before and looked for another victory over the Zulu. However, the Zulu would shock the British. What happened? How would the Zulu overcome the British military? How would the British respond to this defeat? *Not recommended for a history class.*
Gilded Age
Christabel and Sylvia: A Tale of Two Sisters - YouTube (43:51)
It was one of the biggest political changes in the Twentieth Century: women gaining the right to vote. It had taken decades of successive governments before women obtained the right to vote. The Pankhurst Family fought hard for the right to vote. They campaigned in public and were militant suffragettes. They would have many encounters with law enforcement. However, behind the scenes, there were some serious tensions in the family which would lead to one member being expelled from the suffragette movement. *Recommended for a history classroom and for research purposes.*
Hidden Killers of the Edwardian Home - YouTube (58:44)
Suzannah Lipscomb explores the Hidden Killers of the Edwardian Home. The Edwardian Home was full of new inventions, however, some of these inventions were quite dangerous. It was the first time the home had electricity. Asbestos was used as insulation. Refrigerators started to make an appearance in the home. Women could wear make-up to have an up-to-date look. *Recommended for a high school history classroom. Highly recommended for independent study students.*
This documentary features Bob Ballard exploring his career as an oceanographer. He discusses the Titanic and Lusitania and learns about the Empress of Ireland. He talks about the Titanic’s discovery and the problems it caused. Then he talks about the mystery of Lusitania’s sinking. Finally, he visits the Empress of Ireland as his last ocean liner. He visits the Empress of Ireland with a descendant of one of the passengers. *Highly recommended for a middle school and high school classroom. This documentary can be broken up into sections.*
Lost Voyage of the 499 - YouTube (47:44)
A ship was bound for China. It had a ghostly cargo of 499 Chinese gold miners. The ship sunk and its cargo disappeared. This ship lies off the coast of New Zealand. All the names were lost, except for one: Choie Sew Hoy. He was considered one of the pioneers of New Zealand. In 1861, gold was discovered in a valley in New Zealand. Miners from all over the world. However, this gold rush was over as soon as it was started. This documentary tells the story of the gold rush and the Chinese miners. *Not recommended for a classroom setting.*
Emmeline Pankhurst: Making of a Militant - YouTube (51:20)
Emmeline Pankhurst led the suffrage movement in Britain. Under her, an army of women took to the streets of Britain to demand the right to vote. They acted at the time, contrary to what was expected of women at the time. Sally Lindsay an actress takes a look at the life of Emmeline Pankhurst. She takes a rare look at the woman whose personal loves and losses transformed her from a working-class woman into a militant activist. Who was the real Emmeline Pankhurst? *Recommended for a history classroom and for research purposes. Can easily be mined for clips as well.*
The Secrets of a Suffragette - YouTube (46:52)
Emily Davison was a British suffragette who protested for women’s right to vote. She stepped into history by stepping into the path of the King’s horse at the 1913 Derby. She was fatally injured. Claire Balding explores Emily Davison’s story. Growing up she was told that Emily threw herself in front of the King’s horse and that it was the end of it. However, Claire was to investigate the real story behind this episode in British History. *Recommended for a history classroom and for research purposes.*
The Orient Express - A Train the Writes History - YouTube (58:47)
The Orient Express was the dream of a Belgian named Georges Nagelmackers. He had a dream of linking Paris, France to Istanbul, Turkey. Although his sleeping car company was on the brink of bankruptcy, he continued to work on his dream. He wanted to link the capitals of Europe together by a network of trains. He was a man who would fight everyone to get this train network built. However there would be many challenges along the way but eventually, Nagelmackers was able to succeed in linking the West to the East. Thus it would birth a legendary train route. *Recommended for both a history and a geography class.*
Terra Nova - YouTube (48:40)
Robert Falcon Scott went on his last expedition in 1910 to the Antarctic. He was already a famous explorer. However, the Antarctic continent still called out to him. His last expedition, Terra Nova would be his last. It would be known for the courageous race to the South Pole that ultimately failed. Even though Scott’s expedition reached the South Pole, the journey back home would eventually claim the lives of all five members. *Put on your potential list, but look for a better documentary on the Scott expedition.*
It was one of the biggest political changes in the Twentieth Century: women gaining the right to vote. It had taken decades of successive governments before women obtained the right to vote. The Pankhurst Family fought hard for the right to vote. They campaigned in public and were militant suffragettes. They would have many encounters with law enforcement. However, behind the scenes, there were some serious tensions in the family which would lead to one member being expelled from the suffragette movement. *Recommended for a history classroom and for research purposes.*
Hidden Killers of the Edwardian Home - YouTube (58:44)
Suzannah Lipscomb explores the Hidden Killers of the Edwardian Home. The Edwardian Home was full of new inventions, however, some of these inventions were quite dangerous. It was the first time the home had electricity. Asbestos was used as insulation. Refrigerators started to make an appearance in the home. Women could wear make-up to have an up-to-date look. *Recommended for a high school history classroom. Highly recommended for independent study students.*
This documentary features Bob Ballard exploring his career as an oceanographer. He discusses the Titanic and Lusitania and learns about the Empress of Ireland. He talks about the Titanic’s discovery and the problems it caused. Then he talks about the mystery of Lusitania’s sinking. Finally, he visits the Empress of Ireland as his last ocean liner. He visits the Empress of Ireland with a descendant of one of the passengers. *Highly recommended for a middle school and high school classroom. This documentary can be broken up into sections.*
Lost Voyage of the 499 - YouTube (47:44)
A ship was bound for China. It had a ghostly cargo of 499 Chinese gold miners. The ship sunk and its cargo disappeared. This ship lies off the coast of New Zealand. All the names were lost, except for one: Choie Sew Hoy. He was considered one of the pioneers of New Zealand. In 1861, gold was discovered in a valley in New Zealand. Miners from all over the world. However, this gold rush was over as soon as it was started. This documentary tells the story of the gold rush and the Chinese miners. *Not recommended for a classroom setting.*
Emmeline Pankhurst: Making of a Militant - YouTube (51:20)
Emmeline Pankhurst led the suffrage movement in Britain. Under her, an army of women took to the streets of Britain to demand the right to vote. They acted at the time, contrary to what was expected of women at the time. Sally Lindsay an actress takes a look at the life of Emmeline Pankhurst. She takes a rare look at the woman whose personal loves and losses transformed her from a working-class woman into a militant activist. Who was the real Emmeline Pankhurst? *Recommended for a history classroom and for research purposes. Can easily be mined for clips as well.*
The Secrets of a Suffragette - YouTube (46:52)
Emily Davison was a British suffragette who protested for women’s right to vote. She stepped into history by stepping into the path of the King’s horse at the 1913 Derby. She was fatally injured. Claire Balding explores Emily Davison’s story. Growing up she was told that Emily threw herself in front of the King’s horse and that it was the end of it. However, Claire was to investigate the real story behind this episode in British History. *Recommended for a history classroom and for research purposes.*
The Orient Express - A Train the Writes History - YouTube (58:47)
The Orient Express was the dream of a Belgian named Georges Nagelmackers. He had a dream of linking Paris, France to Istanbul, Turkey. Although his sleeping car company was on the brink of bankruptcy, he continued to work on his dream. He wanted to link the capitals of Europe together by a network of trains. He was a man who would fight everyone to get this train network built. However there would be many challenges along the way but eventually, Nagelmackers was able to succeed in linking the West to the East. Thus it would birth a legendary train route. *Recommended for both a history and a geography class.*
Terra Nova - YouTube (48:40)
Robert Falcon Scott went on his last expedition in 1910 to the Antarctic. He was already a famous explorer. However, the Antarctic continent still called out to him. His last expedition, Terra Nova would be his last. It would be known for the courageous race to the South Pole that ultimately failed. Even though Scott’s expedition reached the South Pole, the journey back home would eventually claim the lives of all five members. *Put on your potential list, but look for a better documentary on the Scott expedition.*
Interwar Years
Shackleton - YouTube (47:47)
It was 1914 when Earnest Shackleton and his expedition departed for the Antarctic. They hoped to explore more of Antarctica. What followed was a story of miraculous survival. December 5, 1914, was the last time the crew had contact with land for 497 days. What followed was a harrowing story of survival in the bitterest cold. In the end, not one man lost his life as a result of this expedition. *Good for research purposes and not recommended for a history class.*
A Tale of Two Sisters: Diana and Jessica Mitford - YouTube (44:25)
Jessica and Diana Mitford were two aristocratic young women who were part of the famous Mitford family. There were four other sisters in the family and the sisters were fiercely competitive. Jessica and Diana were separated by only a few years but they had wildly different political views. Jessica would become a communist and Diana was a fascist. Europe was divided at the beginning of the 20th Century and was full of political tension and citizens were forced to decide what political views they wanted to adopt. This is the story of the two sisters and their political beliefs. *Recommended for both a history class and for research.*
The Truth About Franco: Inside Spain's Forgotten Dictatorship - Episode 1 (53:11) Episode 2 (52:50) Episode 3 (52:31) Episode 4 (53:38)
Francisco Franco was a Spanish general who seized power in Spain during the Civil War. He was considered one of Europe’s most enigmatic dictators. He would rule Spain with an iron fist for four decades. He once said that he had no problem killing Spain to prevent the Marxists from taking over. He was a man who had many faces but could not shut up. Spain still has the scars of his reign. Who was the man? *Highly recommended for a history class and for use in research projects.*
The Churchills - Episode 1 (47:59) Episode 2 (48:00) Episode 3 (48:00)
This series examines the striking similarities between Winston Churchill and his ancestor John Churchill, The Duke of Marlborough. Churchill loved studying the 17th Century and his studies would help him recognize that the Nazis were a threat even before Hitler came to power. The is a three-episode series. The first episode discusses how Churchill wrote his four-part volume on the Duke of Marlborough. The second part talks about war. The final episode talks about the war itself and the battles that were fought. *HIGHLY recommended for a history class and for research purposes.*
The Hindenburg - YouTube (54:23)
World War I had introduced new technologies. One of those technologies that was introduced was the Zepplin. Another new technology was the invention of the camera and historical events were recorded on camera. The camera would record a vision of horror in 1937. The Zepplin, an invention from World War I, was initially used as a weapon of war but had been converted after the war for passenger service. The Hindenburg was the most famous Zeplin for how its destruction was recorded on camera. What happened to the Hindenburg? *NOT Recommended for a history class.*
The Spanish Flu: The Invisible Enemy - YouTube (53:04)
It started in the spring of 1918. World War I was in the last days and thousands of American military personnel were infected with a mysterious disease. Soldiers were rushed to Europe carrying this mysterious disease. What was it? Should people really be wary of the disease? Over eighteen months, the Spanish Flu would claim millions of lives. It would not only leave an impact on American society but would also leave an impact on the world. *Recommended for a history class and for research purposes.*
Tropical Iron - YouTube (1:45:08)
He was a gentleman who was just as influential as JP Morgan, however, he is unknown to history. His name was Minor Cooper Keith, and he was an American industrialist. He would help revolutionize the economies of Central America. He would bring the railroad to Central America and these would shape the exports of this region. However, he has come down as a controversial figure and was often accused of exploitative practices that would outlast him by decades. However, what is the truth behind this gentleman? *Recommended for a history class and for research purposes.*
Hitler's Circle of Evil - YouTube (52:02)
In 1933, the Nazis seized power and they want to turn their twisted ideologies into reality. However, there is a struggle between Herman Goring, Heinrich Himmler, and Josef Goebbels. These three men jostle for power. Goebbels is desperate to reassert himself in the new government, he looks for the perfect opportunity to make Hitler happy. He orders Kristallnacht: a night of destruction and murder against the Jews.
It was 1914 when Earnest Shackleton and his expedition departed for the Antarctic. They hoped to explore more of Antarctica. What followed was a story of miraculous survival. December 5, 1914, was the last time the crew had contact with land for 497 days. What followed was a harrowing story of survival in the bitterest cold. In the end, not one man lost his life as a result of this expedition. *Good for research purposes and not recommended for a history class.*
A Tale of Two Sisters: Diana and Jessica Mitford - YouTube (44:25)
Jessica and Diana Mitford were two aristocratic young women who were part of the famous Mitford family. There were four other sisters in the family and the sisters were fiercely competitive. Jessica and Diana were separated by only a few years but they had wildly different political views. Jessica would become a communist and Diana was a fascist. Europe was divided at the beginning of the 20th Century and was full of political tension and citizens were forced to decide what political views they wanted to adopt. This is the story of the two sisters and their political beliefs. *Recommended for both a history class and for research.*
The Truth About Franco: Inside Spain's Forgotten Dictatorship - Episode 1 (53:11) Episode 2 (52:50) Episode 3 (52:31) Episode 4 (53:38)
Francisco Franco was a Spanish general who seized power in Spain during the Civil War. He was considered one of Europe’s most enigmatic dictators. He would rule Spain with an iron fist for four decades. He once said that he had no problem killing Spain to prevent the Marxists from taking over. He was a man who had many faces but could not shut up. Spain still has the scars of his reign. Who was the man? *Highly recommended for a history class and for use in research projects.*
The Churchills - Episode 1 (47:59) Episode 2 (48:00) Episode 3 (48:00)
This series examines the striking similarities between Winston Churchill and his ancestor John Churchill, The Duke of Marlborough. Churchill loved studying the 17th Century and his studies would help him recognize that the Nazis were a threat even before Hitler came to power. The is a three-episode series. The first episode discusses how Churchill wrote his four-part volume on the Duke of Marlborough. The second part talks about war. The final episode talks about the war itself and the battles that were fought. *HIGHLY recommended for a history class and for research purposes.*
The Hindenburg - YouTube (54:23)
World War I had introduced new technologies. One of those technologies that was introduced was the Zepplin. Another new technology was the invention of the camera and historical events were recorded on camera. The camera would record a vision of horror in 1937. The Zepplin, an invention from World War I, was initially used as a weapon of war but had been converted after the war for passenger service. The Hindenburg was the most famous Zeplin for how its destruction was recorded on camera. What happened to the Hindenburg? *NOT Recommended for a history class.*
The Spanish Flu: The Invisible Enemy - YouTube (53:04)
It started in the spring of 1918. World War I was in the last days and thousands of American military personnel were infected with a mysterious disease. Soldiers were rushed to Europe carrying this mysterious disease. What was it? Should people really be wary of the disease? Over eighteen months, the Spanish Flu would claim millions of lives. It would not only leave an impact on American society but would also leave an impact on the world. *Recommended for a history class and for research purposes.*
Tropical Iron - YouTube (1:45:08)
He was a gentleman who was just as influential as JP Morgan, however, he is unknown to history. His name was Minor Cooper Keith, and he was an American industrialist. He would help revolutionize the economies of Central America. He would bring the railroad to Central America and these would shape the exports of this region. However, he has come down as a controversial figure and was often accused of exploitative practices that would outlast him by decades. However, what is the truth behind this gentleman? *Recommended for a history class and for research purposes.*
Hitler's Circle of Evil - YouTube (52:02)
In 1933, the Nazis seized power and they want to turn their twisted ideologies into reality. However, there is a struggle between Herman Goring, Heinrich Himmler, and Josef Goebbels. These three men jostle for power. Goebbels is desperate to reassert himself in the new government, he looks for the perfect opportunity to make Hitler happy. He orders Kristallnacht: a night of destruction and murder against the Jews.
Post World War II Era
Mao's Great Famine - YouTube (52:19)
Based on Survivors’ testimonies, secret documents, and archival footage, this documentary talks about the Great Famine. More than 45 million people died in the famine as a result of Mao’s idea to help industrialize China. Many decisions were made that led to the worst famine in modern Chinese history. China would descend into economic chaos and it would take years to rebuild China. *Recommended for a history class.*
Stalin's Daughter - YouTube (52:13)
Svetlana Alliluyeva was Josef Stalin’s daughter and in the midst of the Cold War, she fled to the United States through India. Her defection was a bombshell and sent shockwaves through the Soviet authorities. While in the United States, she became a media rockstar. Her arrival in New York was a sensation. However, she finds that she still cannot escape her father’s shadow. How did this young woman become the most famous defector? What drove this woman to defect to the United States? *Recommended for both research purposes and for a history classroom.*
Hidden Killers of the Post War Home - YouTube (58:37)
Suzannah Lipscomb explores the post-World War II home in Hidden Killers of the Post War Home. After the war normalcy slowly came back and with more purchasing power, people could buy more for the home. Unfortunately, there were new dangers introduced in the home. Some dangers include flammable nightgowns and furniture, chemistry sets, and not washing hands. This is a fascinating look at what hidden killers were brought into the home. *Highly recommended for student research purposes.*
Wahine Disaster - YouTube (52:55)
Wahine was a New Zealand Ferry that went down in a storm. The ferry was sailing in gale-force winds. It was a difficult crossing for the ship. The ferry was heading into a typhoon, one of the most serious in New Zealand history. Eventually, the ship hit a reef, took on water, and started sinking. This documentary is about the story of the rescue of 734 lives. The survivors tell the story of their rescue and their feelings after the accident. *Recommended for research purposes.*
Chernobyl: 35 Years After - VIDEO UNAVAILABLE
The disaster at Chernobyl happened on April 26, 1986. It was the worse nuclear disaster in world history. It still haunts the Ukrainian people to this day. This documentary is about a group of survivors who returned to Prypiat. They discuss their experiences and their feelings about the disaster. Some have broken their silence for the first time. This documentary is German-produced with English translations. *Highly recommend for both high school and middle school classrooms and independent study students.*
Knocking on Heaven's Door - YouTube (58:59)
This is a look at the history of the Soviet Space Program. It started with a mystic named Fedorov Gagarin. The oak trees on his family’s estate inspired him to look to space. He believed that going into space was mankind’s task. Eventually, the Soviets would put a man in space. This documentary tends to focus on the mystical components of how the Soviet space program developed. It is a different look at the space race. *Recommended for research purposes.*
A Very British Witchcraft - YouTube (49:58)
Modern Pagan witchcraft is a distinctly British religion. Wicca is one of the fastest-growing religions in the world. Professor Ronald Hutton examines witchcraft, Wicca, and paganism in this documentary called A very British Witchcraft. Oddly, Wicca was born in the 1940s. Gerald Gardner was a nudist who was known as the “King of Witches.” Who was the man behind the birth of Wicca? *Recommended for research purposes.*
The Women of Iran Let Their Hair Down - YouTube (51:56)
Masih Alinejad is an Iranian-born journalist who lives in New York City. She fights against the compulsory wearing of the headscarf in Iran. She is the most prominent critic of the regime in Iran. She is also under threat because there was an assassination attempt on her life. She has called on women in Iran to film themselves taking off the headscarf. She publishes the videos she receives and has more than seven million followers on social media. This film follows Masih’s story. *Recommended for older high school students.*
A Short History of Nuclear Folly - YouTube (52:08)
Chernobyl was one of the biggest disasters and well-documented disasters in the history of nuclear power. However, there are a whole host of errors and near misses when it comes to nuclear power. Many of these have been concealed and forgotten. One episode includes the accidental drop of a nuclear bomb on the house of a train conductor. Another folly includes the filming of a John Wayne movie in a radioactive canyon. So what is the hidden history of nuclear folly? *Recommended for a history class.*
1949 One Year, Two Germanies - YouTube (42:51)
It was four years after Germany and the German people were rebuilding from the ashes of World War II. The Germans were trying to get through daily life. The younger Germans were encouraged to go and do something. Many of these young Germans had a taste of politics. It was a bad taste as a result of being members of the Hitler Youth. These youth would be pulled in different directions and would rebuild society in two different ways. *Recommended for a history class.*
Based on Survivors’ testimonies, secret documents, and archival footage, this documentary talks about the Great Famine. More than 45 million people died in the famine as a result of Mao’s idea to help industrialize China. Many decisions were made that led to the worst famine in modern Chinese history. China would descend into economic chaos and it would take years to rebuild China. *Recommended for a history class.*
Stalin's Daughter - YouTube (52:13)
Svetlana Alliluyeva was Josef Stalin’s daughter and in the midst of the Cold War, she fled to the United States through India. Her defection was a bombshell and sent shockwaves through the Soviet authorities. While in the United States, she became a media rockstar. Her arrival in New York was a sensation. However, she finds that she still cannot escape her father’s shadow. How did this young woman become the most famous defector? What drove this woman to defect to the United States? *Recommended for both research purposes and for a history classroom.*
Hidden Killers of the Post War Home - YouTube (58:37)
Suzannah Lipscomb explores the post-World War II home in Hidden Killers of the Post War Home. After the war normalcy slowly came back and with more purchasing power, people could buy more for the home. Unfortunately, there were new dangers introduced in the home. Some dangers include flammable nightgowns and furniture, chemistry sets, and not washing hands. This is a fascinating look at what hidden killers were brought into the home. *Highly recommended for student research purposes.*
Wahine Disaster - YouTube (52:55)
Wahine was a New Zealand Ferry that went down in a storm. The ferry was sailing in gale-force winds. It was a difficult crossing for the ship. The ferry was heading into a typhoon, one of the most serious in New Zealand history. Eventually, the ship hit a reef, took on water, and started sinking. This documentary is about the story of the rescue of 734 lives. The survivors tell the story of their rescue and their feelings after the accident. *Recommended for research purposes.*
Chernobyl: 35 Years After - VIDEO UNAVAILABLE
The disaster at Chernobyl happened on April 26, 1986. It was the worse nuclear disaster in world history. It still haunts the Ukrainian people to this day. This documentary is about a group of survivors who returned to Prypiat. They discuss their experiences and their feelings about the disaster. Some have broken their silence for the first time. This documentary is German-produced with English translations. *Highly recommend for both high school and middle school classrooms and independent study students.*
Knocking on Heaven's Door - YouTube (58:59)
This is a look at the history of the Soviet Space Program. It started with a mystic named Fedorov Gagarin. The oak trees on his family’s estate inspired him to look to space. He believed that going into space was mankind’s task. Eventually, the Soviets would put a man in space. This documentary tends to focus on the mystical components of how the Soviet space program developed. It is a different look at the space race. *Recommended for research purposes.*
A Very British Witchcraft - YouTube (49:58)
Modern Pagan witchcraft is a distinctly British religion. Wicca is one of the fastest-growing religions in the world. Professor Ronald Hutton examines witchcraft, Wicca, and paganism in this documentary called A very British Witchcraft. Oddly, Wicca was born in the 1940s. Gerald Gardner was a nudist who was known as the “King of Witches.” Who was the man behind the birth of Wicca? *Recommended for research purposes.*
The Women of Iran Let Their Hair Down - YouTube (51:56)
Masih Alinejad is an Iranian-born journalist who lives in New York City. She fights against the compulsory wearing of the headscarf in Iran. She is the most prominent critic of the regime in Iran. She is also under threat because there was an assassination attempt on her life. She has called on women in Iran to film themselves taking off the headscarf. She publishes the videos she receives and has more than seven million followers on social media. This film follows Masih’s story. *Recommended for older high school students.*
A Short History of Nuclear Folly - YouTube (52:08)
Chernobyl was one of the biggest disasters and well-documented disasters in the history of nuclear power. However, there are a whole host of errors and near misses when it comes to nuclear power. Many of these have been concealed and forgotten. One episode includes the accidental drop of a nuclear bomb on the house of a train conductor. Another folly includes the filming of a John Wayne movie in a radioactive canyon. So what is the hidden history of nuclear folly? *Recommended for a history class.*
1949 One Year, Two Germanies - YouTube (42:51)
It was four years after Germany and the German people were rebuilding from the ashes of World War II. The Germans were trying to get through daily life. The younger Germans were encouraged to go and do something. Many of these young Germans had a taste of politics. It was a bad taste as a result of being members of the Hitler Youth. These youth would be pulled in different directions and would rebuild society in two different ways. *Recommended for a history class.*
This List is current as of September 6, 2024