The series concludes with Anne Boleyn's execution. Borman explores the documents that lead up to that event and hope that Henry VIII would grant her a reprieve.
Anne believed that there would be a reprieve from Henry VIII. She was up all night the day before her execution. Her mood swung wildly between composure and hysteria. She cheerfully welcomes death, the constable of the tower noted. The four men who were found guilty of adultery with the Queen were executed on Tower Hill. Anne would be executed within the tower walls. A scaffold was built. Cromwell wanted Anne executed quickly so Henry VIII would not change his mind. Henry VIII wanted to get rid of Anne. Cromwell persuaded Cramner, the Archbishop of Canterbury to write off the marriage between Anne and Henry VIII. Elizabeth was made a bastard. Cramner had his doubts about Anne's guilt and spent a sleepless night before her execution. He knows her better than anyone. She would have told him if she was guilty. He believes her innocent and that Henry would save her. However, Alexander Alice, a friend of Cramner came to him in order to tell him a chilling nightmare. Alice saw Anne's execution in his dream. Cramner now knows that Anne is going to be executed. He goes to Anne for her final confession and communion. She confirms her innocence with him, and if she was lying it meant she would have condemned her soul. The people in the meantime are starting to mutter against the execution. Are they coming to the side of Anne Boleyn's side? Cromwell is growing nervous. He had the people cleared out of the tower. Anne prepares for her execution. She dresses with a red kirtle and black dress. Henry VIII dictates that Anne Boleyn be executed by the sword, rather than by burning or executed by the axe. It was the first time that a Queen of England was executed. A precedent was being set with this execution. To continue to learn more about the day of Anne Boleyn's execution, continue to watch the documentary. I would use this documentary for research into Tudors and would show clips from it to a class as part of a lecture. For use in the classroom: just highlight, copy and paste into a word document or a google document for use in the classroom. You can easily format these questions to your specifications. All questions should fit onto one page after formatting. You can find the link for the YouTube video here. The Fall of Anne Boleyn Episode 3 Questions
The Fall of Anne Boleyn Episode 3 Answers
Tracy Borman explores the arrest of Anne Boleyn and looks at original documents to explore her trial, was the trial going to end in the court proclaiming her innocence? Does she stand the chance of a fair hearing? Can Anne save herself? Or did one man's determination to remove Anne from Henry VIII's life cause the court to swing the other way?
It is May 15: Anne Boleyn's trial will begin in the Tower of London. The Tower of London will hold the most infamous trial in all of history. The atmosphere is electric and the public looks forward to seeing what she has to stay for themselves. Cromwell and Anne were at loggerheads over their influence with the King and Cromwell decided that Anne must go. Cromwell personally selected the judge and jury for the trial. The future queen Jane Seymour was sent out to the country before the trial. It would have caused gossip for the court if she was there. However, at the start of the Trial, Jane was brought back to London and was kept in Chelsea. Anne's trial began. She was escorted to the court by four ladies, placed there by Cromwell, so they could spy on her. She seated in front of judge and jury. She looks in control. However, Cromwell would make sure that the King would get the verdict he wanted. The only records that survive from the trial are for the prosecution and nothing from the defense. Anne was accused of 20 acts of adultery. She is sure of her innocence. Anne is the picture of innocence and the crowd senses. She uses her mind. However Cromwell pushes the incest issue, twisting the closeness of the siblings to show how depraved Anne was. It seems Cromwell might have pushed things too far, and the crowd was turning to support Anne Boleyn. She put up a robust defense. Would Anne Boleyn be found innocent? Could Anne Boleyn be found innocent? In the meantime, another trial was being held in Westminster. It was of the men who were accused of committing adultery with Anne Boleyn. Only one confessed guilty and the rest of the men confessed not guilty. Their trial would determine Anne's fate. To continue to learn more about the trial, keep watching. I would use this documentary for research into Tudors and would show clips from it to a class as part of a lecture. For use in the classroom: just highlight, copy and paste into a word document or a google document for use in the classroom. You can easily format these questions to your specifications. All questions should fit onto one page after formatting. You can find the link for the YouTube video here. The Fall of Anne Boleyn Episode 2 Questions:
The Fall of Anne Boleyn Episode 2 Answers:
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